
Friday, September 16, 2011

It amazes me there isn't an epidemic of parking rage at Oshawa

@bugler on Twitter took this pic.

The special driver of this truck takes 2 spots all the time in a completely full lot.
This would make me want to throw a brick through the windshield. Lazy donkeys!


Skin Man said...

Or is it the knob next door who started the problem. Or is it the people who purchase oversize vehicles that don't really fit properly and to accomodate them we would have to increase the size of the each parking spot and thereby decrease the number of spots available.

Donna said...

look at at that pic I would think he parked that far over because of the giant truck parked on the line right next to him. I mean, sure, he didnt need to park SMACK in the middle of two spots, but that could be the reason he's being such a douche.
How do these asshats not get keyed??

Shirker said...

@Donna - if that's the case, then he should have backed in next to the Sunfire who parked properly OR he should have pulled in next to the other truck (passenger side to passenger side).

Hopefully there was a Smartcar or motorcycle to take advantage of the 3/4 spot left.

lswgirl13 said...

And then again, some people just aren't good backer-in'ers! I know I'm not and forget parallel parking. I did it once and only when I had to . . . my driving test.

Donna said...

the best scenario would have been to pull in straight and park an inch from the big truck on the line lol

@ Shirker, yes, you're right, parking next to the sunfire would have been the smarter thing to do.

I have never seen that kind of parking at Ajax thankfully!