☐ Not REKT ☑ REKTPassenger blames the driver for a bumpy ride, wants the driver to get out & he wants to drive. The driver asks another passenger to call the police then this happens.
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Friday, October 30, 2015
Tragedy on the Milton line
CP24 says the the tow truck operator had inadvertently parked near the tracks and while the gate was against the truck's windshield, he climbed into the truck to move it when he realized the train was approaching.
The tow truck operator had parked the way he had to make way for fire trucks attending a nearby collision.
Earlier accounts claimed he tried to jump the gates. Police continue to investigate and told CP24 a full reconstruction of the collision will take place.
The train struck the tow truck near Lisgar Station, on Ninth Line, north of Derry Road before 7 a.m.
The tow truck was then dragged about half a kilometre. The driver of the truck died at the scene.
Passengers on the train were uninjured while police investigated, and thousands more had to figure out alternate ways downtown. GO was helpful in asking local transit to assist by supplying buses. CN police eventually assisted passengers off the train when it was safe to do so.
One passenger wrote to tell me it took him over four hours for him to finally make it to work. He's just grateful the train stayed on the track and didn't derail.
Go Transit suspends Milton line after train and truck collide, killing one https://t.co/pOZREt8qHJ pic.twitter.com/LgtMLAPIC2
— The Agenda | TVO (@TheAgenda) October 30, 2015
Always a fun time on Richmond Hill
The Richmond Hill people were notorious for lining up like preschool children when they used to board on Platform 4 -- all that was missing was the rope. Now that they board on Platform 13, either there's not enough room, or the train arrives earlier, but the lines have disappeared. On the train, I was seated across from a woman with her nose buried in a Kindle in the Quiet Zone. Somewhere around Oriole, I sneezed. This woman looked up, shushed me, and went back to her eBook.
I glared at her. She never looked up but I couldn't believe it... wow. That's pretty metal right there.
After we left Old Cummer, people began to get up and line up for what I wrongly assumed was for Langstaff, which is where I was getting off. I stood in the aisle behind a line of people who were also stacked going down the stairs. We arrive at Langstaff and the line doesn't move. I wait. Nothing happens. The hell?
The doors are closing announcement is made and I flipped out. Goddamn DOOR DONKEYS! So I launched myself down the stairs, body slammed some guy standing at the bottom near the doors and pushed my way through the doors seconds before they shut behind me. Pissed, I whirled around and gave the double gun salute to the people on that coach, blocking the doors, as the train pulled away.
They deserved it. Anyone who does this crap deserves it.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
How we all felt about yesterday
Tough day at the office. #GOtrain @GOtransit @GOmanville #commutinglife #windstruggle pic.twitter.com/LMHKzEKOew
— Sami Elhajjeh (@samielhajjeh) October 29, 2015
The flooding that took out Richmond Hill
An area of track along Richmond Hill GO Train corridor is experiencing flooding. Follow @GOTransit for updates pic.twitter.com/1VELvYvk6s
— CityNews Toronto (@CityNews) October 28, 2015
Stand by for @GOtransit official confirmation of Richmond Hill service changes. Safety is first priority. pic.twitter.com/DdjYYFVFGm
— Bill Grodzinski (@GOgrodzinski301) October 28, 2015
But at least it wasn't this...
.@GOtransit - Are we expecting more or less than this amount? pic.twitter.com/vwnLsjLlpS
— Chris (@COverholster) October 27, 2015
Shank. Shank. Shank.
Rainy, muddy walk to the train? Plop your tired feet up, my good man!
#gochro @ThisCrazyTrain pic.twitter.com/8B73kykpzq
— Matthew Hogan (@Loud_Mouth_Soup) October 29, 2015
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Don't mind me - bird
Hey @GOtransit there is a bird stuck in coach 2442 of the 17:18 LSW from Union express to Oakville. pic.twitter.com/MPym8Uzb14
— meganhuntley (@meganhuntley) October 26, 2015
Still doesn't beat the trackball zipping sound on those old Blackberries
Ha, and the quickest way to get your phone slapped out of your hands on the #GoTrain pic.twitter.com/YRBZlP2DHj
— Julie Schleich (@juleschleich) October 27, 2015
TCT reader Andrew is in Paris. Let's look at what he's discovered about public transit
This sign lets you know how long you can charge your phone for before the bus arrives.
Finding an outlet on the go train is like one of the greatest things that could ever happen to you 🙌 #praisethelord pic.twitter.com/ZHlyaikv2u
— Zara (@zahraasoul) October 22, 2014
Got sprayed by a skunk this morning. Got on the bus anyway (NOT ME)
Our good friend, TomW, got to ride the GO bus this morning with a young lady who mentioned a skunk got into her home.
Let that sink in. Girl gets sprayed by skunk - leaves house anyway. TomW texted me to tell me his eyes were burning. And, not only did she ride the bus, but she also boarded the train at Oshawa.
The skunks were on fire this morning, I tell ya, because one of the Barrie trains hit one and the general consensus was its remains were stuck in the braking system of the coach most affected. Ashley tweeted it stunk to high Heaven.
Meanwhile, this bitch is still waiting to shank you.
But at least the Richmond Hill train didn't need to row into Toronto this morning!
Brampton council rejects downtown LRT
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Sacramento OKs ban of loud or sleeping people from buses and trains
The proposals come as Sacramento enjoys a downtown building boom that will eventually add a high-end basketball arena and a soccer stadium, amenities that officials hope will draw patrons to the area by light rail, bus or train.
"If we can make it more attractive or make it more enjoyable to use the light rail or bus, then people are more apt to use it," said Alane Masui, spokeswoman for the Sacramento Regional Transit District.
Like many American cities, Sacramento fans out toward its suburbs in a sprawling metropolitan grid built more for automobiles than transit in most areas, and has struggled to win middle-class riders to its bus and light rail system.
Complaints abound. Last year, nearly 7,000 customers contacted the transit system's customer advocacy department, which mostly takes complaints, and transit officials also reported 318 crimes, according to Masui and transit system data.
The system, which serves the City and County of Sacramento, has about 98,000 boardings on weekdays.
More ...
Don't trust this bitch
GO Transit Prepares for Fall Storm
Environment Canada has issued a “Special Weather Statement” for the region warning of an approaching fall storm including significant rainfall and strong wind gusts from Wednesday through to Thursday evening. The approaching storm, combined with the accelerated rate of leaf drop over the past few days, could create poor wheel traction for our trains due to slippery tracks, and slick road conditions for our buses.
GO Transit is planning and preparing for the storm to ensure customers get to their destinations safely. This includes:
· Issuing a “Weather Watch” to the organization to ensure all hands are on deck;
· Having our maintenance contractors proactively inspect our rail corridors, vehicles and equipment;
· Paying particular attention to flood-prone areas such as the Richmond Hill line;
· Developing a service recovery plan in advance;
· Providing regular updates to GO customers as the weather system advances.
· During extreme weather, stations will stay open until the last train for our customer’s comfort.
We will continue to monitor the storm and provide updates as they become available.
Suggestions for commuters:
· Prepare ahead and give yourself lots of travel time.
· Sign up for On The GO Alerts and download the GO app to ensure you get the latest updates.
· Check the gotransit.com website for service updates before heading out.
· Be especially mindful while travelling during heavy rain and wind—visibility may be significantly reduced for both you and other drivers.
· Be patient and stay safe.
I once slid into a ditch when visiting a friend who lived on a farm. I braked and started to slide. I was taken out by a pile of wet leaves. No damage. Just a bruised ego.
Two drunk girls driving through Whitby and Oshawa
Published by MyFunStuffAbc123
Durhamregion.com story
Published on Oct 27, 2015
Drunk driver almost T-Bone Thickson and Dundas.
The camera does not adequately show the speed we were going. It looks slower than it was and also the camera doesn't show how insanely close to hitting the white car and rear ending the Blueline cab actually was.
2 Drunk Girls driving Eastbound on Dundas in Whitby. After blowing through the intersection and just barely missing a guy in a car (the white vehicle you see later on who turned around and tried chasing them).
I disabled the audio since I could not edit parts of it out with the crappy software that came with my camera. So, I disabled all the audio. The guy in the white car catches up to me and honks at me to call the cops on them as his phone was dead, I mentioned I was already on the phone to them and that they would be getting them very soon. He proceeded to follow me after that.
Summary: A vehicle turned onto Dundas from Hopkins, was all over the road, ran the red light at Thickson and Dundas narrowly missing a white car with someones' husband in it. They speed away, then pulled over to switch drivers. The girl in the red top gets out of the drivers seat, and switches with the girl with the black top. 2nd female driver cuts off the white car, almost rear ends a Blueline Cab, almost runs the red at Simcoe at King, doesn't drive very straight to Timmies, the girl in the red top gets out of the passenger side, and the girl in the black top gets out of the drivers side, both got arrested at Tim Hortons.
Since their names are now public and you can facebook them easily... here is the full video (well, the parts that matter, it's longer than this but I chopped it where it needed to be so it's short enough).
Someone could have died that night. Someone may not have came home to their wife or kids or husband or family member.
With all the services now out there to get you home safely - don't drink and drive. How will you feel in court facing a family member and having them look at you knowing you took away one of their loved ones? It's not worth it. If you have money to drink, you should have money to get home safe. Stop friends from drinking and driving. Do the right thing.
And what does this story have to do with public transit? EVERYTHING.
Impressive all your space on the TTC
I'll take four seats & an entire train that hates me, please! #ttcproblems
A photo posted by Dylan Turner (@piloteater) on
Some people should take a bus, like this person
That's all fine and dandy until the day comes when that glass has to be cleaned and the cleaning cart smashes into the car or the car gets towed. I'd be happier with a tow myself.

August 19

September 23

October 27
Guess we should all look up at the sky more!
Special to This Crazy Train
By Iona Pintó

What the hell was that exchange about?
Those early risers who choose to look up at the eastern heavens for a moment before GOing about their daily business know exactly what’s happening. Venus, Jupiter, and Mars have put on an early morning show for us this month.
For a short time, evening eastbound travelers with a front row seat in the upper saloon of a DD can catch a spectacular view of a rising full moon as I did crossing the Garden City Skyway bridge.
Happy stargazing!
This story GOes out to Charles on Route 12!
Monday, October 26, 2015
Amtrack has a quiet zone and someone was behaving badly in it
Take heed @GOtransit gr8 precedence 4 all https://t.co/OYNmOS5Z8l @GOChronicles @ThisCrazyTrain
— Janice Correa (@jlbcorrea) October 26, 2015
Soooo ... and my emotions are mixed ... only 39% of ThisCrazyTrain.com readers are actual GO passengers
The only reason why I am assuming this is because last Tuesday and Monday my site was inaccessible to a vast majority of people represented by said companies. The site was blocked (not intentionally) by software designed to keep out viruses and p*rn*graphy. See, I'm being all smart there.
But still, 39 percent is still 39 percent. Traffic is back up (1934 visits on Friday). Google searches continue to make GO passengers new fans of the site and social media continues to generate haters... which reminds me, I need to text back a few people who I didn't engage at the time because I wasn't feeling particularly witty. This site has been lacking in that department. Time to ramp it up!
Friday, October 23, 2015
Last time I posted a photo like this people lost their minds...
You know what? Too bad. I've had H1N1 and then two years later, developed West Nile. Both times, I was heading home when the symptoms were at their peak. Not once did I lie down, at any point. I'm sure if I had, people would have understood if I communicated why, but it's public transit, it's not a place where I can verify the sanitary conditions so staying up right ALWAYS seemed like a good idea.
I can't, I will not, put my head where the asses of hundreds have been.
Looks delicious
This is why my clothes go into the hamper after work. No rewearing of pants for me. Name that bodily fluid. #gochro pic.twitter.com/1P1UmmPXdw
— Kerri Poag (@kpoag) October 22, 2015
Thursday, October 22, 2015
The jokes write themselves
Don't you hate it when people leave their bras on the GO train. People, eh pic.twitter.com/nUCosi8Ods
— Peter Myers (@Peterlizard) August 24, 2015
Its own private washroom, too
Pigeon on go train seat. Going. On the go. pic.twitter.com/ZFIpKSt7I3
— Stefan Caunter (@stefancaunter) October 9, 2015
Courtesy of my lovely friend Christine. This got a good chuckle. #yyz #toronto #gotransit
A photo posted by Queen Ahmedala (@queenahmedala) on
Stubborn husband is stubborn
But you need the car and-
Take the bus.
It's no big deal for me-
Ok. You'll see. Don't text me and cry like a baby when you realize I was right.
It will be fine, you need to relax.
My husband scored tickets to yesterday's Blue Jays game. He decided he would take an early train from Oshawa after driving to the station and tailgate at his friend's house and then head to the game.
He left the house at 9:58 am. I know this because we have one of those "smart" garage door systems that send an alert to our smart phones when the door opens and closes. This is what happened next:
Notice how long it took him to finally get on a train. And he cruised FOUR GO Stations looking for parking! It's a 22 minute bus ride in good traffic from the bus stop north of our home in Courtice to the GO station in Oshawa. It's only a 10 minute walk to the bus stop. My husband walks much faster than I do, so, in under a half hour, he would have made it from the front door to the platform.
The consequence of his stubbornness made itself known when I arrived in Pickering at 4:58 pm to find and pick up the car. His directions were helpful but being unfamiliar with the parking garage, I roamed the bi-level C lot hitting the panic button 20 times to figure out where the car was. That took eight minutes. It took another 12 minutes to get out of the parking garage because of the line-up. It took another 20 minutes to crawl east on Bayly to Brock to get on Highway 401, and another 35 minutes to crawl through the express-lanes-are-ending-and-Whitby-construction-is-starting mess, and another 12 minutes to make it to Courtice to pick up my daughter from her babysitter. Over an hour I spent to get home. Ridiculous.
Remember this?
Urban Etiquette Project finds its manners
You’re getting on the subway — you know the rules. You don’t eat smelly food, play loud music, over-perfume or trim your nails. They’re not written anywhere; for you, it’s common courtesy. But for some, leaving litter or hogging seats is a daily routine. That’s where the Urban Etiquette Project comes in — a series of…
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Just for one day (I'll bring cupcakes) I'd love to sit in with the great folks at the GO Transit Customer Relations Centre and listen to what passengers call in to discuss.
At Oshawa GO, the stop for the 90 bus was moved slightly north to make room for a new walkway. A woman, a regular (Lord, I hope she doesn't know who I am because I'm sure she'll shank me) let loose a tantrum on the driver Monday about her displeasure of not knowing about this change, wanting to know why it was moved, and that if she hadn't thought to walk up a bit, she would have missed the bus entirely.
How she missed all of us lined up (she is a regular) causes me to wonder if she was serious, or if she was just bitching because she felt inconvenienced. The driver told her it was just as a surprise to her. This wasn't good enough. The woman mumbled on and on that she was calling GO to complain.
I'm telling you - Shakespearean tragedy it was.
It took a parking ticket to teach this person how to park but that's not how it should work

Let's have a look back at the legacy...
The ticket
... and the nonsense
October 7 2015
August 6 2014
July 31 2014
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
I guess 356 minutes is better than saying almost six hours
To: crash8668
Subject: (12) Niagara Falls Term. 14:52 - Burlington Carpool Lot 16:32 Bus - Delay
So dramatic
GO Train breakups make for an entertaining ride home pic.twitter.com/RPs1yWpccn
— es (@estevensonn) October 12, 2015
That's not how priority seating works (what a winner)
She's having a rest to prepare for the fight. #gochro #GOtrain pic.twitter.com/7yTxbH41mY
— Nicola Westgate (@the_west_gate) October 19, 2015
Monday, October 19, 2015
GO would like to remind you that you can't drink alcohol on the train (but by all means, please smoke freely anywhere on GO Transit property - I'm looking at you Oakville)
A photo posted by Rebecca Germwad (@beckquar) on
TORONTO: October 19, 2015 – Toronto is welcoming the Toronto Blue Jays to home today for Game 3 of the American League Championship Series. We’ll have all hands on deck again this week—transit safety officers, station and operations staff—to help ensure customers get to where they need to go safely.
Yeah, you better be...
Why do these people not sit on the aisle? It's a no-brainer. No one is going to steal your damn suitcase
@GOtransit @GOChronicles people have to stand while her luggage rides free #heightofrudeness pic.twitter.com/CzFYaurc0w
— maryee (@Trivialtee) October 9, 2015
GO and Smarttrack are one and the same service, says Metrolinx
Friday, October 16, 2015
Stay classy
Because walking 6 metres to the garbage can is hard. I blame the entitled youth of Courtice pic.twitter.com/7ZxAo1Yx7T
— CJ Smith (@ThisCrazyTrain) October 16, 2015
Smoakville and soggy butts
by MM
So Tuesday I missed my early evening connection from GO to local transit. No big problem, the weather was fine, and my next connection was only a twenty minute wait away.
In that twenty minutes I hit the mother lode. Before I stopped counting I saw at least 22 smokers. There might have been even more since I was distracted (more later) and busy getting shots. At 45 bucks a pop GO might have made serious dough. Pro rated for the hour they could clear $2,000 easy.
There were also two bicyclists riding their bikes on the platforms (another infraction).
It was like shooting fish in a barrel, if the fish were gasping and the barrel was filled with soggy butts.
The last pic is of the capping event. I was standing at the bus stop right under the no-smoking sign when this guy pulled up - sucking his butt and blowing away. I could have gotten a better pic, but I was busy reviewing the ones I had so the first few shots I had of him were rushed and out of focus. He was a flamboyant and affected little coffin nail aficionado though, and putting on quite a defiant show of stench spreading - until he saw my camera up.
He passed, turned and asked me if I took his picture.
I said, yes, I had.
He gave me the standard "You need my permission to take my picture..." bit. I mean - do they print this on cards and insert them into cigarette packs? I get this from every smoker I frame under a sign. They seem oblivious to others' needs, but fixated on their own.
I gave him the standard - that picture taking in public is considered public not private, and that HE had not asked ME permission before smoking, and that the signage indicated no smoking - not no picture taking, and when could I expect him to ask ME for permission?
I think the nicotine had constricted the capillaries in his noggin so much that I lost him somewhere around the first sentence there.
So he threatened me.
So I pointed out that I now had video enabled and could he please repeat that?
So he walked away. Which recommends him in a little self-centred, entitled, but not without some sense.
Then my bus arrived and he came back. Walked up to the window beside my seat and pounded on it till I opened it.
He asked me my name. His rationale was that I had taken his picture, so he deserved my name.
The logic of the situation and his lack of understanding of social obligations seemed beyond him. Privacy seemed to be only something that HE was entitled to - over entitled to actually. There was no quid pro quo. I would have posed for a pic if he wanted, but I didn't owe him my name. I waved.
Once again - if guys like this with such a warped sense of behaviour are so prevalent at Smoakville, how can the admin at GO get away with their laughable commitment to rider comfort and safety?

Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Now this could make a big difference if it ever happened.
Posted by blogTO on Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Fish bowl
Go Transit (Canada) original bus slide # 1073 in Oshawa taken 1986 http://t.co/rk1jRiOi7b pic.twitter.com/OUFHnSalp6
— pompous deal (@gomezbarucg) October 11, 2015
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving
I came home after and had the pleasure of riding the GO bus around 11 am this morning with a woman who was on the phone with her doctor's office discussing birth control options. I really wish I was making this up. As per Twitter:
Friday, October 9, 2015
GO is the biggest (FREE?) parking provider in the Toronto region
GO adds new parking to packed King City station
I don't know who you are but you're awesome
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Trudeau pledges SmartTrack and GO train funds
The Liberal campaign pledge made in Woodbridge on Thursday, includes an additional $2 billion toward electrifying the GO train system.
The Trudeau announcement is confirmation that SmartTrack will go ahead, said a statement from the mayor.
Where are you GOing this Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving long weekend is coming up—and it’s your last chance for a wine country getaway this year. Our seasonal Niagara trains run Oct 9, to Oct 12. gotransit.com/getaway
Posted by GO Transit on Thursday, October 8, 2015
Flicking a dart at the GO Transit system map pinned to the bulletin board across the room, the pointed projectile picked a point precisely between Guelph and Kitchener. OK. How do I get to either of those places? Let’s fire up that Triplinx Trip Planner; I’d never used it before.
Meanwhile, in Naples
Just a reminder... the train will win every time. Don't be stupid.
Here at the scene of Finch Ave E, just east of Kennedy Rd. Accident with GO Transit train and Range Rover @cp24 pic.twitter.com/94fL3360qW
— D'Juan Callaghan (@djuan_callaghan) September 24, 2015
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
GO'ing on home on Friday is going to suck
GO just sent out a media advisory where there was no mention of extra trains during this peak period, so plan accordingly, folks. Here's hoping that the majority of these fans go out and eat afterwards which would lessen the volume.
The game times are as follows:
- 3:37 p.m. EDT on Thursday;
- 12:45 p.m. EDT on Friday
GO's media statement:
TORONTO: October 7, 2015 – Metrolinx staff have been busy planning for our Toronto Blue Jays playoff games! With the first games now scheduled, we want to help our customers get to and from the game safely. We’ll have all hands on deck this Thursday and Friday—transit safety officers, GO Transit ambassadors, ticket sales, station and operations staff—to help ensure customers get to where they need to go.
Both Thursday and Friday’s games are scheduled for the afternoon and will finish during rush hour. Crowds of happy fans are expected to arrive at Union Station during peak hours from Rogers Centre. Friday is also one of our busiest travel days with many students and commuters eager to get home for the holiday. We will be monitoring our ridership and will do our best to accommodate everyone to get them home safely.
Here are a few tips to help make your commute safe during the playoffs:
· Consider adjusting your travel plans during playoff games so that you are not arriving and leaving during peak hours (4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.)
· Load your PRESTO card ahead of time
· When leaving the game, consider staying downtown until rush hour is over (Toronto has so many great restaurants!)
· When arriving at Union Station, look for GO staff if you need assistance or directions
· If you are arriving at Toronto Pearson to see the game, UP Express will get you within a 5 minute walk to the Rogers Centre with trains running every 15 minutes for the 25-minute trip (and it’s only $19 with your PRESTO card)
We’ve waited 22 years for this so please continue to be patient when waiting for trains and buses before and after games. Remember: safety is always our first priority.!
This guy
LOL #gotrainproblems #thisisnotaparking #badparking #someonesgottatellthem #mischeif @shazim21
A video posted by Rahim Jameer (@rahimjameer325) on
Go train stair case closed due to unwanted visitor. #gotransit
A photo posted by Paul De Boer (@pdeboer1987) on
There still are some good people left on this planet
I didn't know if u can post this but I would liking to say thank you to the guy who was seating beside a special needs...
Posted by Only In Hamilton on Tuesday, October 6, 2015
The driver of this minivan is still trolling the Appleby parking lot a year later
Nobody cares about your stupid minivan which isn't some rare vehicle that is appreciating in value daily.
Stop parking like a douchenugget (thanks to Anonynous this morning for that word on the suicide post - it's my new fav word).