How could I not stare? Isn't that the point of body art?
On the woman's left leg was this large image of a busty female hoisting up the Stanley Cup with writing around it that I couldn't make out clearly, but it did seem like she had managed to document every year that a Canadian team had won the Stanley Cup. I figured getting up and moving to my hands and knees so I could read what was there would draw too much attention to myself, so I continued to strain to make out the words.
I don't know where these two were headed but they had a mountain of bags that they piled high on a two-seater. Then they stood in front of their bags so as to make sure people knew the space was "claimed".
Did this piss people off at Ajax? Absolutely. Mind you, considering many people took today off in advance of the holiday Friday, the train wasn't as packed as it usually is, but it was crowded enough for the Jesus dude to survey the train and remark, quite loudly, "This train gets pretty full, eh?"
His lady friend shrugged. She caught me staring at her legs at one point and threw me a dirty look. Holy Christ in a Handbasket, Lady! You have the Lord's Prayer inscribed on your leg and the Hockey Hall of Fame on the other. How the hell can I not stare?
Don't want people to look at your body ink, cover it up.
Speaking of "eh", I'm off for the long weekend and I'm off next week, too. I've got stuff to share in my absence and can't wait to share with you all some of what's landed in my in-box.
Have a nice long weekend, folks. Happy Canada Day!