Media Update (As of 5:40 a.m. today): GO Transit has been advised that we will now be able to operate our morning rush-hour Hamilton trains through the VIA Rail incident accident site on Mon. Feb. 27.
For Lakeshore West customers, trains will be unable to serve the Aldershot GO Station, but will originate and terminate at the Burlington GO Station due to the VIA train derailment east of Aldershot GO.
We will have a shuttle bus service to/from Burlington to connect with the train.
For Hamilton passengers, all trains scheduled to depart from Hamilton will originate at the Hamilton GO Centre, but will not serve the Aldershot GO Station. Passengers may experience delays of up to 10 minutes as a result of track speed reductions through the Aldershot area. Express Bus service is also available from Hamilton to Union. With the adjustment to train service on your line, passengers may also consider using Appleby as an alternative to Burlington and the option of making their own way to either Burlington or Appleby.
We anticipate to have busy trains tomorrow morning and encourage passengers if possible to consider other alternative travel options to work this morning.
EARLIER ... Passengers on the Lakeshore West rail line can expect to see reduced service during the morning rush hour on Mon. Feb. 27.
GO Transit has four 12-car trains held at a layover facility in Hamilton, just west of the incident location. Because these trains will be unable to service the Lakeshore West line in the morning, passengers can expect their trains to be busier than normal.
GO Transit is doing its best to provide as much service as possible on the Lakeshore West line. Where possible, we encourage passengers to consider alternative travel options.
On Monday morning, all train service on the Lakeshore West line will originate and terminate at Burlington GO Station.
For passengers that normally take the train from Hamilton or Aldershot GO Stations, we will have shuttle bus service to/from Burlington GO Station that will connect with trains.
Passengers may also consider using Appleby GO Station as an alternative to Burlington GO Station.
Hamilton passengers are reminded that we have a regularly scheduled QEW Express Bus that operates from Hamilton GO Station to Union Station.
Additional GO Transit staff will be on hand at Hamilton, Aldershot, Burlington and Appleby GO Stations to assist.
We thank passengers for their patience as we work to get passengers on the Lakeshore West line to their destinations as quickly as possible.
We will continue to update our customers and the media through "On the GO" email and text message alerts and on the Service Updates section of our website,
Vanessa Thomas
Spokesperson - Media Relations Team Lead