
Friday, July 27, 2012

Chapter 3 of "Ride This Crazy Train" formerly known as 50 Shades of GO

I had surgery on Wednesday and recovery has been harder than expected.
I haven't really been up to writing but I suspect that my recovery will improve over the next few days and I can "pound" out Chapter 3 and 4 (pun intended).
Bear with me, kiddies.


lswgirl13 said...

GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT!!! Your reading public lives for Friday (well me and maybe a couple of others)!!! ;-)

Bicky said...

Well I hope the recovery goes well (and that the surgery wasn't too major). Feel better soon.

That said, yes, please bring on chapters 3 and 4, though I suspect you'll be putting them up as I'm boarding my plane (Thursday) west for vay-cay. I'll catch up when I return.