
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Last one in the pool is a rotten egg! A view from the LSE

If you have to mow your pool so you can swim in it... you just might be a redneck.

Some of these yards along the GO lakeshore east corridor are in dire need of a visit from the Weed Man.

Follow up to this post here. I'm telling you, my readers don't disappoint. Thanks to Mrs X. for the photo. I also like the two-colour shingle job on the homeowner's roof. Party in the back, business on the sides.


Anonymous said...

What's hysterical is the ladder. I'm crying!

DF said...

That us hilarious. I feel sorry for the neighbouring houses. I thought my neighbour's backyard was bad with 90% foot tall weeds that she only mows down about three times a year. I'd go nuts if I had to look at that pool all year long!!

Anonymous said...

Bunch of pompous pricks on this site. Maybe it’s a little old lady who can barely afford to eat let alone hire a gardener. Maybe it’s a struggling family focusing on keeping a roof over their head rather than a well manicured yard to please the 'elites' passing by.
if this is worthy of bitching about, you folks need an F'ing wake up call.

C.J. Smith said...

Oh my god, are you serious? A little old lady with two satellite dishes? I highly doubt that.

The pool has a ladder in it. My nan can lift two 10 pound bags of flour like nobody's business.

At least take the ladder out. And if you don't like any of us, just surf away.

Whose bitching? Your participation here, just like a comedy club, is voluntary. If you don't like the content, you're free to leave!

Jean-Baptiste aka the Crazy Acadian aka Dad said...

When my girls were small, I was the only one working and my wife stayed home. My job when I was home was to look after the yard. Let me tell you money was tight but we always managed to make sure our house looked neat. This took no money just a little grunt work and having the kids as hired hands helped.

We didn't have a pool in our backyard but we had a nice mowed lawn and no weeds. Just because you are poor doesn't mean you can't have class. Tending to a house is work and it's hard physical work. If it's a little old lady then shame on her family for not taking a drive over and helping her keep her yard clean.

I always told my girls to look after the neighbours and Cindy always did and so does my other daughters and all my girls live near pensioners so don't come on here on your high horse bitching as much as the next one over people making a statement about unkept property.

Maybe you like to look at a pile of weeds but there are a lot of us who take pride in our ownership of a house regardless of the size of our bank accounts.

FRED said...

Bravo JP
I grew up dirt poor myself and my parents' farm never looked like any of these backyards. It's laziness. And laziness doesn't discriminate based on income.

FRED said...

Whoops, JB.

Anonymous said...

If I were one of these homeowners and I just learned my backyard was visible for passing trains... I'd grow more trees. And I'dbuy a lawnmower. And I do believe it's free to dismantle a pool. I also think neighbours should help each otther with yardwork. Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

So you had enough money to have you're wife stay home and look after the kids.
I still think bashing people who's social status is obviously not as comfortable as yours is wrong, especially when you know nothing about the situation other then from your comfortable seat. Mis-colored shingles?? please.

Squiggles said...

I will admit that I have a fairly wild backyard. But I bought the house that way and have spent the last 2 summers (total number of summers in house = 2) trying to get the front yard under control because it is visible to everyone. The person in the house could be in a similar situation.

But then again, it takes no effort to weed whack the weeds down to under the lip of the pool.

Anonymous said...

I think you'll enjoy this site:

lswgirl13 said...

Settle down Anon! NO ONE should have to live next door to a dump. Fred is bang on, it's just laziness.
How much you wanna bet there's a picnic bench on the front lawn?

ExGOnowTTC said...

Yes, everyone on this site is an elite. And you forgot to mention that the poor little old lady who lives there is also a brave war veteran who is being ripped off by heartless telemarketing thugs and terrorised by murderer youth gangs on parole from jail controlled by the communist atheists at the Toronto Star.
I should start working at the Sun.

DF said...

Man, what has this world come to that we cannot make fun of a pool full of weeds! Sheesh Anonm get a grip and unclench those cheeks.

I agree in most cases it is laziness not $$ even my neighbour once told me she wished she had the money to make her yard nice like mine. I told her that it takes hard work and some elbow grease to mow the lawn and pull weeds, not money!

Anonymous said...

Actually, you're all half right and wrong. The old bastard who lives there is a cheap son of a bitch. I wouldn't be surprised if he bought the shingles off the back of a truck.
The pool is a garden and the ladder is how they access it. And it is funny. Funny how the internet works. A co worker of mine used to live on this street before moving to pickering. She thinks it's hysterical you've all misconstrued laziness for poverty. Some of these yards are so big, they're impossible to maintain, hence the move.
Hysterical. By the way JB, my mom stayed home too. Wasn't easy

lswgirl13 said...

Who mentioned "poverty"???
No matter, the place is still a dump. I'd be calling the city if I had to live next door to that.

DF said...

A Pool garden? Lmao. Ya ok!! Its a "garden" because he's too cheap and lazy to take down the pool. Either way it looks like a dump, I don't care if the weeds in the pool are pretty!

RonNasty said...

Look at the grass around the pool. That's nice and short. My first thought was grow-op.

joy said...

Ron's right. The backyard itself is quite neat. The pool garden, with its ripped wall, not so much. The ladder being left in only adds to the hilarity.

And the people whose backyards along this stretch that look like personal junkyards should be ashamed.

purple rain said...

Anonymous 1 Bunch of pompous pricks on this site. Maybe it’s a little old lady who can barely afford to eat let alone hire a gardener. Maybe it’s a struggling family focusing on keeping a roof over their head rather than a well manicured yard to please the 'elites' passing by.
if this is worthy of bitching about, you folks need an F'ing wake up call.

Clearly you've not been on the site before and also didn't read the disclaimer. Sad for you. Awesome for us!

Subliminal said...

I can't believe you would all make fun of a poor medical marijuana user like this guy.
He is a sick man who needs that ladder to reach the only painkiller that relieves his mystery ailments.

If you look carefully at the photo I think you can see his beware of sharks sign on the side of the pool.

Anonymous said...

it is a pool grow op. Grass over 5ft high you can smoke? hmmm