What's next?! An email broadcast about a working water fountain?!@ThisCrazyTrain WHAT? #GOtransit sent email alerts that 1 of the new elevators is operational?— GO Voyageur (@GOvoygr) May 24, 2017
Automatic paper towel dispenser?!
Doors that have a button you can push to open them automatically if you are using a mobility device?!

With a project so dismally over due - any progress is a big deal I guess.
I found that odd as well, my profile is setup for Richmond hill line updates only....
I got it as well, and I'm signed up for LSE only.
Funny, not funny. Finish the station already!
Progress in the 21st century!!!
Truly impressive!!!!
Should they ever get laid off by GO Transit maybe they could get hired by BathFitters. I understand their 21st century technology is also "king".
Email alert subscribers on Route 12 (most of whom transfer at Burlington station) received no notification. Is this an indication of more "bugs deep in the back end"? It's definitely another GO Transit Passenger Charter violation — Keep You in the Know.
Just imagine the hoopla when Union Station construction is complete and access to GO Traons is unencumbered
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