
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

London Tube hands out Baby on Board stickers to moms-to-be

From the Transport for London website:

The badges overcome the awkwardness often felt by pregnant women of having to ask someone to give up their place.
It also means passengers in priority seats can see when they should give up their seat.
Research undertaken before the scheme was launched in 2006 showed that pregnant women often felt uncomfortable - even intimidated - having to ask if they could sit down. And while some people said they were happy to offer their seats to expectant mums, they felt embarrassed if their offer was rejected.

1 comment:

Squiggles said...

Seems to be a decent idea. However, I can see problems develop over who needs/deserve a seat more. There could be someone who cannot stand for the entire trip because of a hidden medical issue that is asked to give up their seat. In this situation, no one wins. In fact the person with the hidden issue will be side-eyed and demeaned by other passengers. No one deserves that.