
Monday, October 31, 2011

Foosa > Foot Rider > Jerk

I like Doug.

Doug is my LSE GO Patriot. He hunts for Foosa. Stands for Foot On Seats Assholes.

Speaking of Foosa. On the coach I was on tonight, the majority of the seats were filthy and no doubt from assholes like this cow pictured who grind their soles into the seat.

I don't get it. These jerks have to sit in the same seats. What gives? It's a disgusting practice and needs to stop.


theninjasquad said...

I'm not sure why the new train cars don't have stickers on them like the old ones do telling people not to put their feet on the seats.

C.J. Smith said...

Even if they did, people don't read!

Squiggles said...

Even when you point them out to the dears, they ignore you. Or come up with some lame excuse of "I am feeling ill".

Anonymous said...

Halloween mask and a chainsaw. Problem solved.

ExGOnowTTC said...

Personally i prefer a long discussion about my personal relationship with Jesus. Then fart and leave.