
Monday, October 17, 2011

Occupy Stupid

From: 1905571XXXX
To: 19054427423
October 15 2011 9:30 AM

Saw most hilarious placard on train this morning. Bunch of hipsters from Coburg heading into the city for Occupy Toronto and after I pointed out their spelling error, the sign was put under the seat and of course, I didn't take a picture before I said something.

They had written "Congradulations on taking a stand. Make sure your signs show educated opinions."

I see the university degree paid off. They glared at me for the whole train ride like somehow it's my fault they couldn't spell. I also wanted to ask them what their sign meant seeing as most people would come with signs already written or designed, so it's a pretty sad attempt at warning people!


Anonymous said...

Do you think they meant it to be a play on words? Something to do with "grad" and "educated opinions"?

C.J. Smith said...

If that's true, which I doubt, why hide the sign after the texter mentioned the error? And then glare at the texter afterwards?

Anonymous said...

I don't even get why there is on here in canada?! We didn't do bail outs. Our banking system is the envy of the rest of the world. Stupid people, guh.

Anonymous said...

The wage gap continues to grow as companies pay less in increases annually then the inflation rate. Tuition has sky rocketed in the last 20 years compared to free post secondary education in other countries. Things are not perfect and can be better.

lswgirl13 said...

@Anon 1:48 a.m. (WOW, you were up late!!!) . . . exactly.

And I also occupy Toronto, everyday from 9 to 5.

Squiggles said...

@ Anon: many of those countries that gave away free everything (including education) have done themselves in.

Socialism does not work. That is why Greece is done for, as well as the other PIIGS of Europe.

Canada is not in the same situation as the States and Europe. We have different regulations, which is why we didn't feel the the first recession as badly as the rest.

lswgirl13 said...

And we all know that nothing is "free". You pay for it one way or another.
I think there should be 0% on student loans though but only for a basic degree. Grad school, etc., not zero but keep the interest rate low.

Svej said...

@Squiggles - I'd just like to point out that the Scandinavian countries were built on socialism and they now have some of the worlds best healthcare and education. I believe Swedens socialist party has been elected most often compared to it's centre and right-wing parties. They also haven't been plagued by some of the debt problems as other countries.

So based on that I would like to argue that socialism CAN work in the right circumstances.


Anyway, don't discredit the opinions of young people, even if their sign had a spelling error. That fact that young people are getting involved in something is a step forward, considering our voter turnout in the recent election was 49%.

lswgirl13 said...

I don't discredit the opinions of young people but I will never excuse bad spelling! And being the mother of a "young people" (haha), some of the shit they feed to him at school, well, I could scream!
The thing that gets me about most (not all) protesters is that they are either students so skipping class doesn't matter to them OR they don't work so they have time to protest the cause-of-the-week.

C.J. Smith said...

I'm a stickler for protestors knowing how to spell.

Squiggles said...

@ Svej: check out Iceland.

It only works because the populace agrees with their high taxes.

However, since you mentioned Sweden the parents there do not even raise their own children. They are in all-day day-care and school from a few months old. There are now reports about how it can (is) detrimental to the children both mentally and emotionally.

Unfortunately, this is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The children are taught that the socialist ways are best while in school, so that when they are adults they probably won't go against the common good.

It's very similar to the indoctrination process currently being held in our schools in Canada.

Matt said...

Ran into some of the hipsters this morning crossing King (northbound) on Bay. I find the 1%/99% thing to be a double-entendre, because chances are 1% really know what the issue is, and 99% are simply there to be seen.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how it will be like going home. Coming into work, I did the rat maze and saw nada. I tend to walk outside in decent weather (ie. no storms) but should that change?

Svej said...

@Squiggles - yes that is a good point about taxes. For some in Scandinavia it is a point of pride to contribute to their society through taxes.

Regarding children, I agree it isn't good to have kids in daycare all day. But it isn't much different from North America where it is common to have both parents working.

Indoctrination so to speak is inevitable anywhere that there is a set curriculum. But even without it, kids still pick up on ideas from their parents. Haha it isn't a coincidence that my mother has the same political views that I have.


CityGuy said...

It's Cobourg, not Coburg.

tl said...

Sue me for spelling a city name wrong, buddy. That's forgivable. Spelling congratulations wrong? Not so much.