
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

He had me til he put his feet on the seat

TTC workout

Jered Stuffco (Love the name!) was getting fat. His three-hour TTC commute and desk job left little time for the gym, so he decided to spend his subway rides productively by working out.

Source: Toronto Star


Skin Man said...

what I found interesting about the push up's is he chose the seats, b/c he didn't want his hands on the floor....but didn't think about sitting down where is feet had just been....

Al said...

What I found worse was he used the seats for his incline push up and practically kissed the seat where someones ass had most recently resided.

Plus hes doing it backwards that type of push up makes them easier if his head was down and feet elevated he would have had a more difficult pushup.

DF said...

oh cool I can post from work today!

I agree about the pushups, elevated ones would be much better. Although then his nose would be close to the ground and Im sure there's as much grossness on the floor as there is on the seats. either way he's going to need a vat of Purel after his subway workout :) But it beats sitting on your ass 10 hours a day!

April said...

I assume he doesn't travel during rush hour. No way there would be room to do that on the subway at 8:30 am.