
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Is it ok if I breathe here?

Submitted by email from Sylvie to

This happened about one year ago (December 30, 2009 to be exact.) After almost a year of house hunting, our offer on the third house we bid on had been accepted on the 24th, and we had the home inspection done on the 29th.

So here I am, mind full, emotions high, making my way into work. We were pulling into Union, and I was standing near the doors as I snapped back to reality. I took a deep breath through my nose and slowly exhaled through my mouth. I was facing straight ahead, still mostly oblivious to other passengers - until the woman to my right blasted me, quite loudly! Apparently my breath touched her, and I was told I shouldn't do that, as it was "gross".

I was stunned. I said to her "it was a breath! Are you saying I shouldn't breathe??" She mumbled on about how disgusting it was and I should not breathe like that. I was never so happy to have the doors open so I could get out of that situation. I was mortified, to say the least.

I didn't cough or sneeze on her. I had brushed my teeth, had not had a coffee (as I know that can make your breath smell), and I don't smoke.

Even now, almost a year later, I feel horrible about that whole experience.


e said...

Hello Sylvie,

Don't feel bad about someone's angry disposition. It seems like that person was just having a rough moment and needed to vent out and you were the right person at the wrong time.

Travelling in Toronto can be frustrating at times, but never let someone's emotions effect you negatively. I find everyone takes things really personally, when really it never has anything to do with them.

Just last night, I observed a man shaking his head after the TTC doors closed and opened again... he seemed to take TTC's extra caution a delay in his time personally.

Sylvie, be grateful that a year has passed and you haven't had the unfortunate opportunity to run into the person. I'm sure if you do run into her in the future, she will have no idea who you are or what they did to you.

All the best for the holidays! e

Anonymous said...

so after reading these posts, it seems that there are a lot of genuinely easy going and nice people that commute. So where are they in real life? I sit with a bunch of angry snobs all the way to work.

Matt said...

That lady overreacted. In the morning? Rarely does someone have foul breath at that time of day. During the evening commute, however, there are often people that have breath so rank that I would swear a rodent crawled in there and died over lunchhour.

C.J. Smith said...

Please tell me more about these angry snobs!

Stories, I need stories!

Sylv said...

Thanks e, I appreciate your comment. I did see her again off and on for four months, but I am now on a different (crazy) train.

Matt, that's what I thought too!