Friday, August 28, 2015
Doods... I'm taking a vacation - offline til Sept 8
I haven't been posting as much as I normally do this summer and part of it was work-related, and also because I've been spending most of my free time cycling. This month I have cycled a total of 321 kilometres! Tomorrow I am planning to do a 35 km ride, non-stop, because I will be spending my afternoon eating bacon at the Bacon, Beer and Cider Festival in Bowmanville with Bicky.
Behave yourselves, kids!
So this just happened to my cousin
Sometimes when you're on the subway you see cool stuff like this!! #thehighstreets
Posted by Monica Kelly on Friday, August 28, 2015
Douchebags of the GO, I have found your King!
This LSW train was boarding when this guy showed up and claimed this quad as his own, writes AL, using his bike as a barrier. When he was done each section of his newspaper, he tossed each one over his seat despite the fact that someone was sitting in the quad behind him.
He never moved. He didn't care.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Another rush hour ride home, another Quiet Zone story
A father and his two daughters board at Union, along with two very large Minions I presume were won as prizes from some midway ghetto game and head upstairs. Dad decides that each Minion gets a seat so he puts the two of them side by side in a quad and then he and one daughter sit opposite of them, and the other daughter wondered off downstairs.
As you know CJ, the LSE can get quite full, especially the 4:07 pm train, which I was on. People are boarding and giving the WTF look as they look for seats, but no one is asking dad to move the minions. Both he and his daughter have their noses deep into their iPhones.
It's now 4:03 pm and it's becoming standing room only and the Quiet Zone is now full. The Minions still have their seats and at 4:05 pm, a very pregnant lady makes her way upstairs. She surveys the seats and her eyes zero in on the Minions. She makes a face and starts to walk down the aisle towards the quad. The doors are closing message is made and she stands right beside the seats with the Minions and stares at the dad. He's busy looking at his phone. His daughter is playing some game, no headphones, that's making all kinds of blips and bleeps. She looks up. The pregnant lady looks at her. The daughter goes back to her game.
The pregnant lady then asks, loud enough that I can hear her from where I'm sitting, if the Minions have tickets for the seats. The dad looks up. "Pardon?" He asks.
"Did you buy tickets for your guests, here," she asks him. He looks at the Minions. "Uh... no..."
The pregnant lady then leans forward, grabs a Minion and sits down. She passes the Minion to the dad. He takes it from her with an incredulous look on his face.
"Relax," he says to her. "It's been a long day for us and we're getting off at Danforth, so you don't need to be rude," he says, roughly putting the Minion on the floor.
Pregnant lady ignores him as she adjusts herself and looks in her purse.
"Did you hear what I said?" The Dad asks her. His daughter tells him to be quiet. He tells her to be quiet.
Pregnant lady puts in her earbuds.
"I don't care about your long day, your feelings, or your soon to be landfill prize. Please don't talk to me anymore." Pregnant lady says to him and she closes her eyes.
Dad was STEAMING. He starts griping to any one of us who will listen, so finally I said, "Sir, this is the Quiet Zone. If you want to continue your tantrum, you can go downstairs."
He doesn't quit. As we approach Danforth, he tells the whole coach what a bunch of "fucking losers" we are and he huffs his way down the stairs with his carnival prizes, and yells out for the other daughter to get over to where he is.
Stay classy.
Why does anyone need notifications if you're looking at your phone?
I don't use it. Don't need it. It's annoying. Especially when the person texting is staring at her phone and reading the messages and responding to the messages as they come in.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Don't hit your brother! EAT ALL OF THE POPCORN! Don't hit your brother! EAT ALL OF THE POPCORN! Slap! Slap! Slap!
One kid sat on the dad's lap. The other kid bounced, and danced, and wiggled, and fidgeted, and sang, and ate popcorn, and sang, and whined, and kicked his brother, and jumped, and ate popcorn, and SLAPPED HIS FATHER (multiple times) and kicked his brother some more while dad kept saying, "If you don't shut up, we're going to be kicked off the train!" and "If you don't sit still, we're going to get in trouble!"
This was punctuated with SHHH! and BE QUIET! and WILL YOU STOP?! and SIT DOWN! and DON'T HIT YOUR BROTHER! and followed by the dad slapping the kid on the leg and the kid slapping his dad back.
It was the slapping part that really threw myself and my Twitter friend. It's not something you see these days - a parent slapping a child, and so openly. I was also disturbed by the how the kid violently kicked his brother and also slapped his dad. As a kid, we were slapped but we never, EVER, slapped back. I wouldn't dare...
As a result, I don't slap my daughter as punishment. I didn't like it myself as a kid and so I don't do it to my child.
Today, I feel like I should have said something. Watching a kid and a parent get physical is just disturbing and also, I don't feel myself and other passengers should have been subjected to it.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
"For those of you that need that hot cup of coffee or sweet treat before you get to the office, you'll soon have several shops in the York Concourse Hall to choose from.
- The Railroad Coffee Co. is now open for business across from our ticket sales counter;
- Balzac's Coffee Roasters will be popping up in about a week;
- and a Tim Horton's Café is slated to open next month."
It's coffee time!! Welcome to @GOtransit York Concourse commuters.
— Anne Marie Aikins (@femwriter) August 25, 2015
Yeaaaaaah, no.
German Student Leonie Müller Fed Up With Paying Rent So Lives On A Train
But I wanna sit upstairs so I can see the ocean!
Second, although you know it's the Quiet Zone and you told your three, all under-seven-year-olds it's a Quiet Zone, how about you be quiet yourself? Listening to you hiss, "Shhhhhh!" every five seconds was more bloody annoying than listening to your four-year-old scream out, "Are we on a twainnnnnn? Is this a twainnnnn?"
And as always, the novelty wore off at around Ajax... this is when it's time to take the kids downstairs. Seriously. Just move.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Friday, August 21, 2015
Knock on the window and ask if "Face" is available
The Shady mcSketch van is back at Aldershot. It just needs "Free Candy & Hugs" spray painted on the side. #GOTrain
— Off the Rails (@GoTrainAvenger) August 20, 2015
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Medication with a terrible side effect
Who here has ever launched themselves off a bus at the first sight of a Tim's or fast food joint to run across a busy highway, tears streaming down your face, hips thrusting against the violent force brewing in your bowels, hand clenched against your stomach, in search of sweet relief?
Let me know how it worked out for you - anonymously of course.
I almost didn't make it. It was *that* close.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
GO boosts Brampton trains and bus service to Pearson
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Improvements coming to Route 12?
There’s lots in it to investigate but please let your readers know that I have staff looking into it to track down the causes and will ensure there are remedies in place.
I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Thanks again.
Matt Baynie, VO
GO Operations
His wallet was le tired - we should cut him some slack

But wait, there's MOAR...
From SM
Thought I would share this pic of the jerk who got on my train this morning (8:25 Oshawa to Union) Promptly spread out and considered himself far more important than the rest of us. Yup, even needed to spread out his arm & give his wallet somewhere to rest! Train is not full, but several loads of people have climbed the stairs & he hasn't so much as flinched. Crossed his feet at one point so much so that the sole of his shoe was almost touching my leg. I had to physically move. Wish I was more vocal...should tell him to get his feet down, but alas I do not deal well with confrontation.
Dave and Bob, the guys who install PRESTO machines, have a poem they'd like to share
"Say, Dave, the Bay Concourse closed today"
"That it did, Bob. A historic occasion"
"I think some kind of commemoration is in order, Dace"
"As a matter of fact Bob, the communications department were asking for contributions. Something between a tweet and a press release"
"I'll get right on it, Dave"
'Twas in the year of '78
GO Transit's decade two just started
That Bay Concourse operations did commence
So passenger flows were parted
No more the Great Hall's lofty vaults
For users of GO's trains that Fall
Such facilities were now assigned
For those on turbo trains to Montreal
Commuters admired the stairs and walls
Bedecked in avocado yellow
(Although it's possible history
Has left colours much more mellow)
They welcomed now staircases two
Leading to the subway stop
A passage cheered in later years
With a portable hot dog shop
But alas, GO's subsequent growth
From three lines up to seven
Meant those staircases broad
No longer lead to heaven
Instead they jammed and got too full
With throngs from trains two-decked
So satisfaction survey aims
Forever stayed unchecked
And so a plan was devised
It grew and then did hatch
To replace Bay Concourse with a pair
On either side, to match.
The workers toiled and dug all round
in front, beside, below
(But not above was soil dug
Though ScotiaBank did go)
Then at the age of 37
There came that fateful day
When no more could GO's passengers
Pass through the Concourse Bay
Instead through teamways the travelers pour
And the concourse by York's own Street
Awaiting that far-off day
When all works are complete
The lights are dimmed and silence reigns -
the smell of buns of Cinn
Will ne'er welcome weary travelers
And tempt with dietary sin
We bid farewell to Concourse Bay
So long, farewell, adieu
And sincerely hope that your lofty son
Will open before 2022.
But will there be food?!
No fever. Just a headache. And symptoms similar to West Nile. Maybe it's West Nile again... yay me!
I'm back at work. I'm a trooper I tell you.
I have to say, it was pretty calm when I headed down into the York Concourse. A little congested at platform level... and the TSOs barking at us to stay behind the yellow line was a nice touch. Nothing like being hollered at like it's the first day of school and we need to line up for pencils.
Where was I? Oh yeah... food. People are PISSED that there's no food at York and no food will be available for some time, despite an exciting list that only Metrolinx has seen.
Someone asked me if I knew where Ballsack coffee was? True story.
Eventually Tim's will make an appearance followed by a few other pop-up food choices, but it probably won't be until next summer when you'll be able to buy a full breakfast after you exit the train.
Monday, August 17, 2015
Route 12 is steaming and it's not the weather
by @GOvoygr
How bad was it?
Unfortunately, my body had other plans.
I'm home. Sick.
I eagerly await the horror stories!
Did you find York?
Did thousands of people fit down two stairwells?
How bad is your Cinnabon withdrawal?
Did you help anyone?
Is Nana okay?!
Friday, August 14, 2015
Last night
Arrive in downtown Oshawa.
Bus is packed.
Guy sits next to me.
Smells like he just crawled out of every all-nighter in the '70s and drank all the whiskey.
He dirty too.
Like 5000 showers are needed.
And a toothbrush.
I'm mad tweeting about him.
He talks to me.
Did he just ask me where I live???
I tell him I'm on my way to see my brother in jail.
Someone may have died.
Not sure.
He looks uncomfortable.
The always hip and happening Blueberry Fest (no joke, it's pretty awesome) starts at 4 pm and the closure is King Street (aka Highway 2) in both directions between Scugog Street and George Street. Passengers are asked to board/exit buses at Roenigk Drive or Simpson Avenue.
If you live in the area, I'm thinking of going. Message me at 9054427423 if you would like to meet up. I'll be there with the man and the kid provided the weather holds up.
But my bags, they are le tired
from: | BD | ||
to: | "" | ||
date: | Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 5:37 PM | ||
subject: | Seriously?! |
Obviously her bags are THAT important that they must have their own seat. She got up out of her seat to stand like this about 3 stops into the standing-room-only trip. I get off around stop 10 and she was STILL THERE, blocking the exit of course!
I realize it's a GO blog but I group TTC frustrations in there too. Reading your blog keeps me sane on my commute :)
Thursday, August 13, 2015
What do people do when they can't afford storage fees and bylaws prevent them from parking an RV in their subdivision? Why they park it at Ajax GO Station
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Commuters Bar closed down June 30, 2011 and Choo Choo's Bar was gone by 2009. But what happens to the Cinnabon? The Bagel Stop? You asked, I found some answers
By 2011, almost all, including GO-GO Cleaners, Amuse-O-Matic Arcade, Leather One, Commuter's Bar and Choo-Choo's Bar had been told their time was up, according to letters from Redcliff Realty Management - the company that took over all the retail leases in 2010.
No one knows if any of the businesses shutting their doors by August 16 in the Bay Concourse will make a re-appearance over at York, or in 2017 (or 2018) when the Bay Concourse re-opens. What is known is that all of them were told in 2013 they were expected to vacate in 24 months. Some, according to this article in the Financial Post, chose to lease month to month, so they could vacate within 30 days.
With retailers leaving, new ones are expected to move in over at York, but not until 2016 (approximate date not known) when the retail concourse fully opens.
For now, hungry GO commuters will have to look to the PATH to fill their rumbling tummies.
Sorry, folks.
Found my way without Bay
Dudes. It will be fine.
For those who ride at the most eastern end of the trains coming from Oshawa and such, you'll want to move down the train to the coaches past the accessibility coach.
For other corridors, same thing, you'll want to position yourself on your train so you are more to the west end of Union when arriving. If you're one of those people who plan on using the Bay Teamways, nothing changes. You would continue to use the stairwells that take you outside.
Once at Union, take any of the stairwells marked "York Concourse". None of them appear to have doors, so you know you're headed in the right direction.
Once in the York Concourse, there's been some discussion it will be confusing to find the subway. What I found was best was to follow the signs for UPExpress and then go out through the VIA Great Hall onto Front Street, cross the street, go down the stairs into RBC Plaza, and use those doors to get to the subway.
All of this took me one extra minute to get to work.
The evenings should be more of the same as the PATH dumps everyone out at RBC Plaza so you'll want to use the staircases up to Front, cross the street and head to your trains using the VIA entrance of Union Station. And as I mentioned, all of the Bay Teamways will be open.
Good luck!
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Metrolinx sets some ground rules for campaigning at GO Stations
At Oshawa, regardless of what election is happening, I like to yell out that I live in Courtice to the candidates running for Oshawa (the federal incumbent is Colin Carrie - his website wants your name, email address and postal code before you can even check him out - the hell?) I don't know who to expect to see at the Oshawa GO station in the weeks leading up to the federal election and I don't care, BECAUSE I LIVE IN COURTICE.
Metrolinx, on the other hand, DOES care, and they've got some rules you should know if you feel things are getting out of hand.
Metrolinx will be applying the following principles in managing (campaigning), to ensure the safety and convenience of the travelling public, avoid conflicts and place reasonable parameters around access:
- At our Lakeshore East and West line stations, there will be a limit of 8 campaign staff members per candidate
- For stations on all other lines, a maximum of 4 campaign staff members will be allowed
- GO Transit customers tend to arrive at stations a short time before scheduled train or bus departures. Care needs to be taken to avoid causing congestion or delays for customers to board their desired trains or buses.
- Candidates and their representatives must remain outside of restricted areas or the "fare-paid" zones, such as train platforms.
Here's how I felt about the 2010 Oshawa mayor race... check out my sign. I printed that puppy out and gave it to the candidates. It was gold.
Just #ttc things
I'm perfectly fine with #VELD2015 goers having fun (been there twice), but please don't do this on the #TTC. @bradTTC
— Calvin So (@calvinso_1991) August 2, 2015
— TTCwelps (@TTCwelps) August 5, 2015
A video posted by MaiChu (@mai_chutoronto) on
Four letters. Soon.
Last week, I finally got some information about the "Where's my GO bus" app that was promised to GO Transit bus passengers to be implemented by January, 2014. I did not get an answer for why the long delay. Because government?
GO Mobile 2.0 will roll out after the field-testing for it is concluded. The new version will include real-time information regarding the location of a bus and its arrival time. This will be real handy during the frigid winter months for those of us who are serviced on rural routes, with no shelter, and usually next to a farmer's field where the snow blows like a merciless witch, where the stop for the local transit bus is two kilometers away, and sometimes, not worth the extra walk (or fare).
Also coming is a telephone system where passengers can call an automated system for arrival times. This is old technology, but is still useful, and should have been rolled out on GO's bus system 15 years ago. Better late than never, I guess.
GO also plans to add this additional information to
Monday, August 10, 2015
GO Transit - bringing the beach to you since 1967
@GOtransit wow once again but its bare stinkin feet this time, do something #gotransit I sit in these seats
— Kieran Schwyrie (@KieranSchwyrie) July 31, 2015
@GOtransit when are you going to start fining people that put their dirty feet on the seats #gotransit
— Kieran Schwyrie (@KieranSchwyrie) July 30, 2015
Presented without comment
go train tings
— JΔCΘΒ (@Jake_Risi) August 10, 2015
Friday, August 7, 2015
Will Metrolinx be holding a gala for the Bay Concourse closure?
I'd like to build my own little shrine to the world's largest public washroom and am looking for your help.
Please send in any photos you have, pieces of the escalator you stole when they were ripped out in 2007-8'ish after this incident in 2006...

... Or other mementos you think would look great stuck to my 1986 era Science Project bristol board.
The shrine would then be displayed at a location of my choosing until security kicks me out.
Passenger seeks help in finding Pandora braclet
It's the worst feeling when you lose something and knowing you might not get it back.
If you're familiar with this feeling then you understand the hope people have that whoever found it, returned it.
Maybe we can help out KU and get her Pandora bracelet back to her.
The bracelet has two heart charms (a clear and a pink one), a safety chain, a flower charm and a charm of a little girl and a little boy representing KU's two children.
It was lost on July 16th on the Lakeshore East line - the 8:16 am train going from Eglinton to Union station.
KU was seated in the middle of the train, one coach west of the accessibility coach.
She is positive she lost the bracelet while exiting the train at Union, which continued on to Aldershot.
If you found it, or turned it in, please contact
Not to be outdone by GO Transit this morning, the TTC ups their game

Today's TTC adventure: Bus on Fire!
— Meghan Morrison (@meghamuffin519) August 7, 2015
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Babies. Eat.
@ThisCrazyTrain we'll forgive him as he seems to be in a straitjacket
— Damien Byrne (@delidamo) August 6, 2015
— CJ Smith (@ThisCrazyTrain) August 6, 2015
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Cue the TVO era Dr. Who theme song - you know, the one that came on after Fables of The Green Forest? Which came on after Today's Special?
My commute is too long. This would make things more interesting @GOtransit! Cc @ThisCrazyTrain
— Julie Tome (@JulieMTome) August 5, 2015
These guys should be GO train operators
Two hampsters in a wheel? The most fun that could ever be had. True Story.
Posted by Mamamia on Monday, March 23, 2015
As we prepare to say goodbye to the GO Bay Concourse, let's take a look back (it's a short read)
The concourse, a network of narrow corridors and stairwells, was designed by Rounthwaite, Dick and Hadley Architects. It cost $10 million or $43 million in today's dollars to build.
What has always resembled a large, public washroom to me opened in 1979 strictly for use by GO Transit passengers.
There are no "throwbacks" of pictures on the Internet that I could find about its grand opening on August 2nd, 1979, and the only news article I could find was this clipping from the Toronto Star on July 27 of that year:
I paid $9.99 plus tax for this clipping. I suggest you print it out and frame it.
Starbucks coming soon to your GO Station? How about a Longo's
Metrolinx seeks partners to operate retail or restaurants in GO stations.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Pretty sure this is English... sadly, not many are reading it
Not just another sign. We have introduced warning signs in certain locations @ Union Station. Use caution near tracks
— Bill Grodzinski (@GOgrodzinski301) July 13, 2015
D-DAY is August 17 - Oh yes, your Monday will be AWESOME - Operation MAMPTYS
That's our D-Day folks. That's the day Metrolinx initiates Operation Move A Million People To York Street or "MAMPTYS" for short.
Officially the Bay Concourse closes August 16, but who cares about Sunday? Only Jays fans care about Sundays. I'm not downtown on a Sunday! It's Monday I'm interested in.
You know this will be the biggest gong show ever. Popcorn vendors should be fighting at the City Hall licensing office for permits.
What can we expect? Well, for starters, I'm sure there will be people wandering around asking:
"You mean I have to walk further...?"
"Can I take the subway there..?"
"Is there food...?"
"But this is where I always buy my coffee..."
"Will there be food...?"
"How will I get to the subway...?"
"Do I still have to go outside...?"
"Can I buy food...?"
GO Transit is offering some advice to those who really hate change. It's advice myself (and Bicky ... and Squiggles ...) have suggested before...
Try the route in advance.
Don't wait 'til Monday at 4:45 pm.
I'll have my violin handy, trust me.
See also:
As we prepare to say goodbye to the GO Bay Concourse, let's take a look back (it's a short read)
I know you're under there. I can see your legs
Some people go to extremes to get sleep on the train...#gochro also note Mr. "look at my massive muscles"
— Paul Fosten (@sprawlo) July 29, 2015
Shout out on the CBC website and podcast of the radio interview
Here's the entry on the CBC website and the podcast (fyi... it took some time for this to load for me...).
Presented without comment
Why put up signs if you aren't going to enforce it? @metrolinx #gotransit #unionstatiob
A photo posted by Alex (@thethreefacesofalexandatticus) on
Monday, August 3, 2015
GO bus drivers for the win
When GoBus is awesome. #gobus #getongo
— Sidney Hauber (@SidderBums) January 16, 2015
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Will someone please think of the children?!
To commuters on #gotrain, please have the courtesy of keeping your disgusting feet OFF seats we ALL sit on
— d v (@deb2v) July 24, 2015