
Friday, March 11, 2011

Broken record

I'll say it again.

Your bags/suitcases/stuffed animal winnings from the CNE/big screen TV don't ride on a seat on ANY RUSH HOUR TRAIN if you haven't purchased a ticket for that seat.

This morning, this family (two parents and a kid) boarded the 7:53 am (Oshawa-Union) train with several duffel bags (more about the kid later) and piled their bags on the fourth seat of the quad they were in.

(I should also mention that I made the faux pas of using the seat in front of me to support my bag while I dug out my hairbrush which drew an exasperated sigh of frustration from a woman boarding who was clearly annoyed that I would use an empty seat during boarding for this task. This resulted with me addressing her grunt - loudly - by declaring, "All you have to do is ask me to move my bag". Right? Like come on! Look who you're talking to here. I'M ON YOUR SIDE!!!)

At Ajax (where the crowd surge begins) several people got on and not one person asked this family to move their bags while the train was boarding. Sure, lots of dirty looks were cast their way... It wasn't until after we left Ajax that a woman walked over and asked if the seat was taken. The father told her that it's for their bags. The woman (God love her) asked, "Did you buy a ticket for them"? I swear she asked this. I have witnesses! The father said, "No, but we have nowhere to put them." I couldn't hear what this lady said but the mother moved all the bags and piled them on the kid's lap. Prior to this, the kid had been playing a Nintendo DS (no headphones) and had been subjecting everyone to his guns and laser game. Now he had no hands to do so. Point, US.

Got luggage? Take VIA. Their trains can accommodate your vacation baggage. GO trains can't. I know we've had this discussion before but we're all paying passengers and it's not my problem that you chose rush hour as your time to get to the airport. Sorry. Seating is already at a premium on the trains as it is.


Al said...

Should you start another thread about brushing your hair on the train? Kinda gross.

Anonymous said...

i agree, hair brushing is a disgusting thing to do in public!

C.J. Smith said...

Where did I write that I was brushing my hair?

But since we're on the topic. I've never considered someone running a brush through their hair as "gross".

I need examples. A case study would help.

Richard said...


GO is a 'commuter' service, primary purpose to get you to and from work. If you feel the need to bring all your luggage for your trip to Bora Bora find another way to the airport in rush hour.

TomW said...

People tend to think their lugagge can only go seats... at least make an effort to put some under yoru seat and on your lap. If I saw someone with bags underneath and on their lap, then I wouldn't mind if they had to use a seat for the excess.

GO should provide somewhere to put luggage. One lugage rack can hold more lugagge than four or six seats, so everyone would win.

Brenda said...

Excuse me? Are you eating breakfast? If someone wants to freshen up their hair by running a brush through it on a train, that's hardly gross. At the dinner table maybe but not on a train.

Donna said...

why is hair brushing gross? she's not trimming her pubes. Its no worse than women putting on their entire face on the Go train. The worst grooming habit on the go has to be nail clipping - hands down!!! Now that is gross! fingernail pieces flyng everywhere!!

Lily said...


I agree. Hairbrushing isn't gross.

Anonymous said...



I was on the same train as you and was behind this family. What she said was it's not a five minute ride to union and she'd really like to sit and that bags could go under the seats.

Al said...

When you said "using the seat in front of me to support my bag while I dug out my hairbrush"

I assumed (incorrectly I guess) you were going to brush your hair with it.

What the,n were you going to do with your hairbrush when you finally dug it out, beat the seat hogs with it?

C.J. Smith said...


Um no, my hair was soaked and I really needed to address the mess at hand or else I would look like hell for the rest of the day. But I did my makeup at home! Are you proud!?

Al said...

I'm not sure what I should be proud of, but your reluctance to admit you did it tells me you wondered whether it was something you should be doing on a train.

By the way I don't think it's as revolting as flying fingernails, I just think its out of place on a train, more so if I'm near the flying strands.

Then again I'm bald so I don't have any perspective on hair emergencies other than toque lint.

C.J. Smith said...

I have no issues with hair-brushing in public places and wasn't trying to hide anything from you.

I answered you in my first comment. I also wasn't brushing my hair at the time when this drama was going down.

PS. I find bald men sexy.

Dan-1 said...

Nothing worse than a ride home with *SNIP* .... *SNIP* ... *SNIP SNIP SNIP* ... *SNIP*

And you know the nail clippings are going all over the floor, seats, wherever.

LSW Go-er said...

I love this blog and all the stories, whining, griping, etc! I'm thinkin' these dudes would come in handy on the GO...they are awsome!.

Al said...

@ CJ,

I was not expecting that P.S.
But since you mention it, I am.