
Thursday, February 27, 2014

This Crazy Train 4th Anniversary Facts: Total Comments and Posts since launch


Squiggles said...

Yay! I win!

Sylv said...

I am shocked I'm even on the list :)

Bicky said...

Yay! I'm number two! I'm number... never mind. That doesn't sound good.

I'm runner up! I'm runner up!

TomW said...

Damnit, I need to comment more.

Kelly said...

boo I didn't make the top commenters list - need to step it up... :( Hard when I'm not taking the train anymore.

C.J. Smith said...

TomW wants to take on Anonymous huh? Dude, you'd have to write over 10 comments on every post for that legacy.

C.J. Smith said...

Had to run those numbers again. I CAN NOT MATH.
Sylv tied with Al. George, as new as he is, had you both beat.
Fred aka PurpleRain surprisingly beat out all four of you.

George said...

Are we still tied?

C.J. Smith said...

No George, Sylv and Al are tied. You beat them both.

Al said...

what tied?

Ohh honorable mention, didnt see that earlier.

Al said...

Although anyone could come and us Al as their name so maybe not just me.

C.J. Smith said...

Nope, you're the Al I am looking for

Al said...

Im really surprised I comment that much? How many users other than anon? Are Sylv and I #'s 10 out of 100, 50?

I think there may be a few others who have used Al. I could be wrong.

Al said...

that means bicky and squiggles have had +10000 comments?

Anonymous said...

I WANNA BE IN THE LIST YOU....(insert rant here... I am too nice to type bad words. LoL.)

C.J. Smith said...

Al, noooooo
It just means I can't tell where in the top 3 Squiggles and Bicky fit in competition with all the anonymous. It's not just one Anonymous, it's many. This is all time, the past four years. Not just the past year.

C.J. Smith said...

Allan, you just have to keep commenting A LOT. Bicky and Squiggles have 40 months plus on you

Squiggles said...

And to think: When I started commenting on this site it was under my own name (or at least a contraction). The numbers could have been higher.

And yes, I do need other sites to go to for that mental break during the day.

Bicky said...

Clearly there are days when I don't have enough work to do.

Actually, I have SO much work to do that I need to take frequent mental breaks and get my giggle on. Yeah, that's it. heh heh.
