
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

To smoke or not to smoke. The sign says "no dice"

Text message from 905289XXXX
to 9054427423
06:43 PM

I'm on the 553 coming into Oshawa and the CSA just announced to the whole train that smoking isn't allowed on the platform. Something something rules and compliance. I'm sorry but since when did GO own the OUTSIDE? If I want to smoke, I'll smoke. GO doesn't own the AIR!!!!!!

From 9054427423 (CJ)
to 905289XXXX
07:23 PM

I dunno. You're asking an asthmatic who often walks behind a cloud of smoke from people who do this quite often, right under signs that say No Smoking. I think it's because you're walking on Government Property and that cigarette smoke doesn't necessarily drift up but outwards, causing a cloud. Get a few of you going and it's not like I can avoid it.

From 905289XXXX
to 9054427423
07:27 PM

So hold your breath. I'm sick of being told where I can and can't smoke.

From 9054427423
to 905289XXXX
07:31 PM

You know what I hate? I hate having to ride inside the train. Why can't I just hang on the outside, let the wind blow through my hair and enjoy the ride? Like a hobo!

From 905289XXXX
to 9054427423
07:33 PM

That's not the same. We're outside. What you're saying is dangerous and stupid.

From 9054427423
to 905289XXXX
07:34 PM

I could say the same about subjecting me to second-hand smoke. Would you smoke in front a newborn baby, and I mean right in its face?

From 905289XXXX
to 9054427423
07:39 PM

A baby is defenseless. You can walk ahead of me if you don't like it. Sounds like you have a problem with smokers. Next you're going to suggest I quite, like it's easy.

From 9054427423
to 905289XXXX
07:40 PM

Nope. I'm not here to counsel people and I have my own demons. It's only a few steps to the parking lot. Surely you can hold it. In fact, all of the smokers own the space around the ticket punchers, the news boxes and the station itself, so how much more space do you need? The platform is a sanctuary for those who don't want to inhale second-hand smoke.

From 905289XXXX
to 9054427423
07:44 PM

And what about the other pollutants in the air? How is second-hand smoke different?

From 9054427423
to 905289XXXX
07:45 PM

I'm not going to argue about the overall quality of Oshawa air. I'm talking about the fact that the platform is non-smoking. It's a rule. There's lots of rules I don't agree with but I follow them regardless. I don't know how you feel I can help you. I didn't write the by-law. All I can do is put this out to my readers. Check the site over the next couple of days to see what others had to say.

From 905289XXXX
to 9054427423
07:44 PM

I'm sure I'm not alone or the only person who feels this way.


Ronnie said...

Hey, Buddy, Does this mean I can come over to your house and smoke crack on your front porch? You don't own the property the train rolls in on so if you're in GO's house, you play by GO's rules. If you don't like it, buy a bike.

Dan-1 said...

GO doesn't own the air inside their passenger cars! Like, dude, you can't "own" air! So it must be perfectly acceptable to smoke there too! I think I'll light up a big fatty next time I'm on the GO, don't like it? "Hold your breath" man!

Yay for flawed logic!

Ali said...


What to say after something like this?

That'll do!

Anonymous said...

What an idiot! The platforms are on GO property, therefore smoking on the platform is in contravention of the rules. This idiot can actually be arrested under the Trespass to Property Act - engage in prohibited activity while on premise. Let's hope GO enforces this and catches this selfish moron.

Anonymous said...

Up until Oct 2010 I was a smoker and I never smoked on the platform out of courtesy for my fellow riders. Why is that lost on some people? If you want to smoke do it on your own property and smoke in your car!
Otherwise quit. Yes, it is that simple! I was a smoker and I can tell you it can be done...

lady in pink said...

I'm a former smoker as well and I can see what both sides are saying...I don't see why its such a big deal to not smoke on the platform...its not like you can smoke in the subway...just outside the platform go for it...its you perogative.

Angela said...

I think much of the defensiveness on the part of smokers is that society has marginalized a legal activity to the point where it's almost impossible to find a place to partake in it. I smoke a bit (maybe once a month) and it's a serious PITA to find a place to enjoy a cigar in this town.

We should either make smoking illegal or acknowledge that second-hand smoke, while unhealthy, is just one more toxic thing brewing in the 'soup' that is urban air. I'm not much for banning smoking OUTDOORS. My asthma is triggered far more often by smog and bus exhaust than someone on a patio smoking.

That said, the GO platform is private property. Their rules.

Al said...

Thier rules for riders obviously not employees, as I see more than a few of them on the platforms @ union puffing away,

Smoke em if you got em, I say.

Bob S. said...

1. Take a photo of said employees.
2. Email it to GO Operations.

What is this? Kindergarten? Kary made a good point, several times actually, about how passive we are. Be the one to do something about it.

MN said...

Hey CJ... could you correct my typo in my text to you? I wrote quite instead of quit.

Now knowing that even GO employees can't play by the rules only makes me feel more mad. Hell, maybe I'll try smoking on the train! I can't stand hypocrisy!

At one time, I could smoke anyhwere, out having a meal, out having a drink... Out watching a show. At a concert. This whole Clean Air/Smoke Free Ontario bit has gotten way out of hand. Are we really dying more of cancer in 2011 then we were in 1961? And how do we know it's not microwaves killing us off? No scientist, doctor, politician knows for sure. Why was it okay for nearly 80 years to smoke in a nightclub and then all of a sudden it's not? What changed? Some bastardized research fodded by the government so they could collect more fines, charge more taxes on smokes? I remember when $2 would get me a king size pack of B&H. It's completely legal for me to buy and smoke and I'm sick of people policing my health. Let my genes be the decision maker.

Al said...

If I cared about the go emplyees smoking on the platform I would take a photo and email. But if I did (care about it) I would probaly care more about ruining someone's career over something so petty and frivilous that I wouldnt do it anyway.

sue said...

Oh, you mean like sleeping TTC drivers in booths? Or texting TTC drivers? I doubt a GO employee would be fired. Most likely disciplined.

Al said...

Well the txting TTC drivers did get fired I beleive from what was reported in the news anyway.

Kelly said...

Smokers never get it.

kary said...

I like this one!

When Penetang went smoke-free, the ban included the grounds as well, not just he building. Whitby Mental Health Centre followed suit.
A patient sued the hospital on the grounds that it was interferring with his right to smoke. It went all the way to the supreme court.
"One of the patients alleged that the smoking policy violated various rights enumerated in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. His main application was dismissed by the Superior Court on December 30, 2003. In its decision on December 30, the Court held that there is no constitutional right to smoke."

@Kelly-The primary defense-mechanism of an addict -be it drugs, alcohol or nicotine-is denial. It's the denial that enables them to cope with the addiction. That's why they "don't get it".

(Ex-smoker, quit 11 years ago)

Common sense said...


I swear I've heard the exact same argument for drinking and driving.

Problem is, your decision to smoke (or drink and drive) where it's designated as impermissible harms others (and kills).

Just like as if you decided to get behind the wheel after six martinis.

Jamie said...

mmmmm martini's

Billy said...

How do you feel about complete idiots having your phone number...!?

C.J. Smith said...

Doesn't bother me. It's a cell and it opens up the lines of communication.

Anonymous said...

Not a problem when it's a business #, isn't it?

C.J. Smith said...


kary said...

@MN do you smoke with kids in the car? I'd wager you do. Despite all the research, you still have your head in the sand and think your smoking doesn't harm other people.

You seem to be the type of person who doesn't have an ounce of concern for anybody but yourself. I pity your family.

Anonymous said...

Blargh I hate the condescending attitudes of some smokers. If u want to smoke ghead but at least don't subject others to it :(