
Monday, April 18, 2011

Do not join into this conversation ... ok?

I don't care how badly you want to tell us you work in I.T., don't butt into our conversation.

What I found hilarious is that while this guy was inserting himself into a conversation between myself, Uncle and Jill, Jill would purposely talk over him. He was completely clueless (and oblivious).

I realize that most people will offer an opinion harmlessly, because if you're talking loud enough, you *are* forcing your conversation onto others, but this was a quiet discussion. I mean, the dude had to strain to hear what we were saying.

Not sure how others feel about this kind of "interaction".


Anonymous said...

If you're speaking at the volume of a day trader, you can't really expect others not to join in. It's a public train. If you're having a quiet discussion, others should respect that BUT, it is a PUBLIC train. If you want privacy, take the car.

Rhonda said...

Why is it whenever someone says if you don't like blah blah blah in regards to train etiquette, they suggest pollution as a solution?

TomW said...

I would consider it rude to join in someone else's conversation without good reason.