
Friday, April 29, 2011

My crotch is not your coffee table

What is it with men who Blackberry and read over my lap?


FRED said...

He should at least buy you dinner first.

TomW said...

Start jiggleing you knees up and down while looking away and "accidentally" collide with his blackberry,

Here's a Name said...

The real problem is the blasted knee-knocker seating arrangement of two seats facing two seats.

Visualize turning two of the seats around. No one could fit in rows that narrow.

So they cram extra seats onto the cars by overlapping knee space.

Unfortunately that means overlapping reading space and everything else.

I try to cope by sitting sideways, into the aisle, at one end of the car. Even so, I get pushed around by bursts of people who decide they need to move between cars.

LSW said...

I would've definitely knee'd him one. Some people have no sense of personal space.

e said...

I don't get it... just tell him... "hey buddy, your hand is uncomfortable close to my crotch, so can you sit like a normal person and sit up straight".

And if that doesn't work... tell him that while he's down there to take care of ya... nudge, nudge, wink, wink!

That should work... either way, you're a happier person.
