Irony -> The woman in the quad next to him who has her purse under her seat. Douche is an insult to all of us who are considerate and courteous.
Huh. And it is inside, so harder to forcibly remove and make your point.The douche needs evicted from the train, unless he can prove he paid for 3 seats.
What? I didnt take these?
If you refresh, I have put the initials in an acronym. LOL
The one and only time I would have approved the photog putting his/her feet up on the seat across. Take that, red jacket.
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Irony -> The woman in the quad next to him who has her purse under her seat. Douche is an insult to all of us who are considerate and courteous.
Huh. And it is inside, so harder to forcibly remove and make your point.
The douche needs evicted from the train, unless he can prove he paid for 3 seats.
What? I didnt take these?
If you refresh, I have put the initials in an acronym. LOL
The one and only time I would have approved the photog putting his/her feet up on the seat across. Take that, red jacket.
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