
Monday, January 10, 2011

Broken glasses need not have happened, writes Pat O.

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hey CJ, hopefully someone reading recognizes himself. today i got on the 4:53 and all that was available on the car I got on was a window seat. i politely asked to be excused into that seat. instead of getting up, the two clowns on the outside seats just sat there so i had to climb over them and wound up wacking the first clown in the face with my bag. we're talking glasses flying onto the floor and to my horror I STEPPED ON THEM and broke the arm. he scoops them up and starts losing his shit at me and then before i can even suggest paying for a repair or offering contact info he flies off the train just as the doors are closing. i was so embarrassed and distraught, i burst into tears. thank u to sarah and tania for helping me feel better. so for those who sit on the outside seats, please just get up and let me in. thanks. and clown #2, you're a jerk.


Kaylaa Claudusz #Ajax said...

Why is Clown #2 a jerk?

RonNasty said...
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RonNasty said...

How did your bag hit the guy in the face? Was he leaning forward as well?

Taylor said...

Well, most normal people will swing their legs out into the aisle, letting the person in to the window seat unobstructed by legs. Not all of us have the grace of a ballerina (in winter boots - on wet floors - while wearing heavy coats, no less) to be able to delicately step over their legs and bags, etc. Don't sweat it - chalk it up to karma.

Pat. said...

Because he didn't move either and stared at me like I had the plague after the other clown stormed off the train. Like I deliberately planned what happened.

Jamie said...

Pat don't sweat it while I generally don't wish ill upon people that dirty turnip got what he deserved.

Kaayla - you really don't get it.

Come on - people are more curteous at movie theaters - what is it about go trains that shuts peoples brains down?!

Anonymous said...

that person deserved to be 'bagged', i hate inconsiderate pricks who just sit there and expect you to find a way around their fat legs. i wish i had a tazer for times like those, just a little jolt and i'd be in my seat in seconds.

don't feel bad about hitting their glasses off, unless you are one of those people with a 2ft X 4ft purse full of useless crap you probably wont use during the day....

steven p. said...

I think tasers should be sold at kiosks at go stations. Snoring issues? Zap. Sniffling too much? Zap. Blocking the doors? Zap. Talking too loud on BB? Zap.

The possibilities are endless.

By the way, just found this site today. It's amazing!

Pat. said...

Thanks everyone. I feel marginally better. I hope this makes others who don't move realize how much easier it makes it when you get up and I don't have to climb over you.

Thing is, I now feel I have to take a different train as I see this man often. How do I deal with that? I still feel obligated to pay for repairs to his glasses.

C.J. Smith said...

The site is THIS CRAZY TRAIN. Not Ann Landers. I feel like we all need to go out for drinks now or something.

I'm an outside seat sitter. I always get up. Always. Then I shoot death rays from my eyes at the turnips across from me who thought swallowing their backpacks into their chests was "moving".

Anonymous said...

don't change your train schedule. You could always act as though you have no recollection at all. Say you've been on vacation for the last 3 weeks or something haha.