
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Visions of opening the emergency exit window and engaging in a game of "laptop frisbee" does enter my mind when reading this

From: LP

My "seatmate" on the train last night was using his laptop to make telephone calls "through Google". His rationale to his friend: "I'm on the train anyway, so why not?"

He had no external mic just the built-in one on his laptop. Naturally he was shouting, but happily. The call kept dropping as we changed cellular towers. So then he pulled out his cell phone to complete the call. Which he also lost. Sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this person is related to the woman on the 4:10 Barrie train on Thursday night who had her laptop out, looking for something the person she was having a screaming match with on her cell phone was telling her to google. She then proceeded to huff and puff and call her tech support (on speaker phone!) to get the issue resolved. We all wanted to throw her and her technology apparatii out the damn window!