
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Off-Topic: Picture Day

Posted for friends I've made through this site who are texting, BBM and email buddies but not on Facebook (because, hey, let's not get *that* personal).

Here's my kid in a skirt (Heavens part - Choir sings Hallelujah!) And wearing a necklace. And in bows! For school picture day.

Of course, she has to rock the tomboy in her by throwing on her purple boots.

PS. Ever since she's learned purple is my favourite colour, she makes decisions about clothing based on pink (her favourite colour), purple and black. She chose black because my husband doesn't have a favourite colour so she decided it for him.

It's grainy because it's a mobile pic.

More train-based content coming soon. I have all your emails, texts and tweets, etc. Please continue to send stuff in but don't get bummed if I don't share it right away. I like to spread stuff out.


Squiggles said...


And I wholly approve of the fashion choices and colour preference.

But then again, as a woman in her early 30s, I still wear that colour combination almost every day!

C.J. Smith said...

Rock it Squiggles!

AngelSil said...

@Squiggles. I'm 40 and currently wearing a hot pink sweater and bright purple hair scrunchie. It doesn't match my purple leather handbag, but I don't care. I refuse to give into typical fashion.

(I also have hot pink combat boots for when it snows. If I have to live in this miserable climate, I might as well have color in my life.

Squiggles said...

@ Angel: I have these adorable bright purple boots! Waiting for the weather to turn a smidge ickier and they shall be worn.

But, my summer foot wear staple is hot pink wedge sandals. I wear them so much I wish I had bought another pair.

Sylv said...

Her bows match the boots - a very nice touch if you ask me (but really, why would you ask me? ;))

Anonymous said...

Your daughter's hair is frizzy. You need to fix that nappy head.

Squiggles said...

I think Anon is PW off her supposed meds.

BTW, look up Nappy. That little girl's hair is definitely not nappy. It is gorgeous hair. Of course, it does remind me of what mine looks like if it were not always pulled back.

Dan-1 said...

I always hated picture days...all the fussing around for one picture, and having to wear whatever "nice" clothes the entire day at school.

Anonymous said...

@Angel: "I refuse to give into typical fashion." that is evident by the scrunchie. Those things went out in the 90s. Please update to a proper pony tail :) You dont have a 90s hairstyle too like a couple of the women I see on the 4:25 LSE with their feathered look.

lswgirl13 said...

Your daughter has great hair!!!
AngelSil - A scrunchie?? Really?? Were you a back-up singer for the Bangles or Debbie Gibson??

Kelly said...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with her hair! As a 34-year-old redhead with hair that takes quite a bit of work to make either curly or straight, that comment pissed me off! She looks adorable.

DF said...

Im guessing it's the grainyness of the picture that's making her hair look fuzzy.

Either way, GO PINK! and love the purple boots. Purple is my favourite colour as well.