This is a parking donkey's car in an unnamed GO lot.
Anonymous sent this in. He parked beside this donkey, opened his door partway so he could squeeze out of his car when a strong gust of wind blew his door open, slamming it against parking donkey's car.
Yep. It left a mark.
So what is Anonymous to do? Was the scratch his fault or is it the parking donkey's for not trying to park properly? Or was it the wind's?
Serves a parking donkey right!
it was the guy who opened the door, sure you may be mad that the guy parked like an ass.. but its still a hit and run!
hopefully Karma will get the a-hole who hit this car back.
I credit karma for the fortunate wind.
I'm with David
Too bad the door didn't hit that car just right and take off the mirror. That would have been a win.
Accidents happen when people park too close to the line...
It's an act of God, so you're not at fault!
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