
Monday, February 20, 2012

Hey Bob, whatcha' doin'... ? Oh ... oh dear. Right against the door, too

Stay classy, Bob.

Photo credit: @Sarah_Eh


deepfish said...

To be fair to Bob, there isn't a no whizzing bylaw enforcement sign posted... then again, if there were, he'd probably follow the lead of the smoking donkeys and just have at it anyway...

Squiggles said...

At least there is no one around. Had an old, drunk man (judging by the fumes wafting off of him) whip it out and pee by the escalator door one wintery night at Ajax as the train was emptying. Unfortunately that is an image that is burnt into my mind.

ExGOnowTTC said...

Give him credit. At least he didn't go inside and do it.

Vanessa said...

I saw someone doing the exact same thing at the Brampton GO last week!

I got in at 4:30 and took the underground walk-way path to the parking lot. As I was walking down the stairs, some guy (fully adult in business clothing) was taking a leak against the railing on the staircase into the walk-way!

He fumbled with his fly and booted ass out of there.

Really, dude? Really? I can understand at 4:30 a.m. but 4:30 p.m.?! Now I know where that horrid scent comes from.


Anonymous said...

Geez, go on the damn train people!

ExGOnowTTC said...

They can't. They replaced the toilets with GO gift stalls. Want a pair of GO themed fluffy dice?