
Friday, February 24, 2012

Meanwhile, on a Vancouver SkyTrain

The use of the "w-to-the-e" word was a bit much.


Shirker said...

I bet the person who unwittingly sat in that seat after her would have preferred that she remained standing.

Skin Man said...

^ Yup!

and if there were children on the train, the language and volume and anger weren't particularily good examples to set.

Although I am not-so-secretly pleased about commenting on this post using the name CJ gave me!

Squiggles said...

Agreed... know I don't ever want to sit there.

But, whore is not too strong a word. When you go out, in that long shirt, with no unders in the middle of the day... you pretty much are a street walker.

And besides, I know Vancouver is a little warmer in the winter, but I still would have thought that she would be more concerned about drafts.

lswgirl13 said...

Notice how she's working that pole?

Anonymous said...

She luv you pole dance all day long. Sheeee so horrrrneee eh Joe!

Anonymous said...

imagine if she got her period

Bicky said...

It takes all kinds to make the world go round... sheesh!

Al said...

She could have been wearing a thing? No?

deepfish said...

A thing.... shurly you mean a thang? I was on the Skytrain way back in 86... If they guaranteed this kinda floorshow maybe I would have stayed in Vancouver...

kary said...

i give him credit for saying something, even if the language was a bit inappropriate.

Anonymous said...

Dudes, it's called a ThOng.

Kathy said...

A thOng, really!? You mean like those plastic shoes that kinda make a flip-floppy sound when you walk in them?

Thanks for clarifying Anon, I'm not sure how we'd get along without ya.

Squiggles said...

Whether you call it a thong or tanga, she ain't wearing either.

You can tell in the one shot she was yanking the shirt down and you can see the whole crack and nothing but the crack.

Now, I gotta go get the eye bleach.

Anonymous said...

She's walking in circles because it helps her to think...."now where did I leave my pants? Think, girl, think!"

deepfish said...

On youtube there is at least one other pre-dated video of her doing the same thing - walking in endless circles around a pole on the train (that time in more modest apparel). I think she is mentally ill...

Anonymous said...

Perhaps she didn't get the memo that "No Pants Subway Ride" is only 1 day, not the whole year.