
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Off topic: Seen this yet?

Apparently the person who wrote the letter has come clean.

CJ Smith
Oshawa man looks to find kids pissed off he didn't shell out candy on Hween. Letter left in mailbox.


Jean Baptiste, the Crazy Acadian Dad said...

I don't roll on the floor when I laugh so I'm not going to type those capital letters I see but this reminds of when you girls were small and mommy took you all out and I wasn't there to hand out the candy. The neighbourhood snots figured I was watching tv in the basement so they started to come to the side door which one you girls left open and went all the way to the kitchen and helped themselves to the bowl mommy left for when one of you got back to hand out. Word gets out that the, let's call us the Wilsons, had Halooween candy in the house and that all anyone had to do was just go in through the side door and help themselves. So I get home and here's these kids walking in and out of the kitchen and down out the side door. The wife was pissed. Mud and dirt everywhere. The only thing ever taken was the candy. Of course this was in the 1980's. Now-a-days, the neighbourhood snots would network together to fence the stove and fridge if they could haul it outside leaving the candy untouched.
I just noticed this thing corrects my spelling. This is a good thing

purple rain said...

JB, you're awesome. Your comments always put a file on my face.

Squiggles said...

Wow. Sense of Entitlement? I cannot believe that this is real. It probably is, only because I had to tell a bunch of kids that the lights on meant candy. Lights off means leave them alone.

But still, this is going too far.

Anonymous said...

Well your spellcheck didn't catch you spelled Halloween wrong, did it?

purple rain said...

F-off you troll and leave the man alone. You won't make any friends here, or sympathizers, if you go after Grandpa Crazy Train. I'll take you down.

C.J. Smith said...

I would say, yes, it's real.

We didn't give candy out either this year because we both went out with our daughter. When we got back, this kid whined to his parents after he followed us up our steps that we weren't giving out candy after he yelled, "Trick or Treat" at me while I was putting my key in the door. It was almost 9pm at this point. Both Mr. Crazy Train and I looked at each other and the parents of this kid shook their heads as they walked away.

I wanted to punt a bag of potato chips from my daughter's bag at their retreating heads. But I didn't. You know why.

C.J. Smith said...

Grandpa Crazy Train. I like it.

C.J. Smith said...

A file? Purple Rain? What are you? A windows copy app? I think you meant smile. Hard at work I see? Filing perhaps?

purple rain said...

Anon is so damn didn't even notice my screw up

C.J. Smith said...

Are you doing that on purpose?

purple rain said...

Doing watch?

C.J. Smith said...


Anonymous said...

Yep, this further justifies why I passionately dislike Halloween and never celebrate it. Call me a cranky bitch if you will, but it is what it is. :) Clever man, whoever wrote the response.

Vanessa said...

I love Halloween. My house was decorated to the nines and I even had a cauldron of dry ice. But alas I only had about a dozen trick-or-treaters. On the upside, more treats for the lunches I had for the next week.

lswgirl13 said...

"purple rain"??? OMFG, Prince has found your blog!!!

C.J. Smith said...

LOL. purple rain aka my bestie Julie has been around for a while.

Bicky said...

Gosh, I don't know where this stuff comes from but I'm glad it gets shared here. That was great.

Thanks, CJ!

Kelly said...

You never know why a house is dark, just skip them, it's no big deal. Plenty of others for the kids to visit. What annoyed me was having 2 kids and their idiot parents in my driveway as I got home at 6:10 p.m. I always thought 7 p.m. was the earliest start time? I said (to their parents) "uh, it's a bit early, I'm just home from work, I don't have anything ready yet". Stupid people. I still had to go inside and have supper and get my son ready to go out with my husband.

ExGOnowTTC said...

What's worse is that many young teens and teens are not even bothering to dress up and just expect candy now. It's a pity because seeing the look of joy on little kid's faces is what it is all about. Not snarly bloody little shits who think they deserve it.

Squiggles said...

Hey, I decided after this halloween that next year is it. No more. I am single, no kids. Mom gave out candy when my dad took us on the rounds so I don't feel obligated to hand out stuff now.

But what did it was that I gave out the good stuff this year and kids (7+ yrs) were giving the bowl dirty looks. I also had some give requests last year.

Glad the person came forward, but it was a pretty shitty thing to do and was too little, too late in my opinion.

Al said...

Ummm Squiggles, define good stuff?

Squiggles said...

hershey bars, junior mints, reeces, etc. and several got handfuls of the stuff. not just 1 or 2.

lswgirl13 said...

I do bags Squiggles and I must say, they are pack full of the "good stuff".
And please remember people, kids do not want chips!!! You get like 6 chips in those bags and they are all munched up so they go straight in the garbage.
I heard about this letter on the radio and I don't even think it was written by kids, probably some lululemon, soccer mom.

ExGOnowTTC said...

I say we all celebrate Jesusween instead of Halloween next year. Dress all in white, and hand out Chick Tracts to all the kiddies.

Bicky said...

Well given I had 9 kids come to the door this year, I doubt I'm going to hand stuff out next year. Plus only about 30% of my street hands stuff out so kids don't bother.

I also found out that parents WITH kids didn't even bother to hand out candy. The hell? I don't have kids (nor like most of them) and yet I gave. Nope no more.

Kids need to know: Lights on, ring the bell --- lights off, keep on moving.