Her article is here with homage paid to my wonderful banner collage with its amazing memes that salute all of the nonsense that makes this site what it is. Well, technically, *y'all* make this site what it is... because without you, there would be no crazy train.

I wouldn't say you're snarky. Cutting edge sarcastic, maybe. Funny as all get out, definitely.
And the banner was brilliant! ;)
I'm surprised there aren't any butt hurt people commenting on that news article yet lol
Okay, I just got, like, 10 friends who said the same thing. YOU ARE SO NOT SNARKY, GIRL!!! But it's okay... everything is open to interpretation.
re: butt hurt
Give it time, the night is still young.
There are 13 comments on the article so far. Are you using Chrome? The Sun using Disqus which can be buggy Chrome. Switch to Internet Explorer. Enjoy!
Well look at that! I don't see any comments in Chrome but I see them in Explorer. I have a tear in my eye when I read the loving notes of support from my readers. I had to address one comment from a guy called Dick Poulan - I couldn't help myself. This after I swore I wouldn't read the comments, not without at least two Bloody Marys under my belt first. And here I am, completely sober, terrified to hit refresh...
yup the claws are out... there will be more to come
Actually, it's not so bad so far ... let's see what the sunrise brings.
Can i have your autograph CJ? Congrats!
Eff the haters!
good article, except for the snarky part. I would say witty and sarcastic definately not snarky. In fact if I had to deal with the haters you do I would be snarky, I admire the way you deal with the morons!
^ Thank you so much for writing what you did. I knew by agreeing to the article I would be putting myself out there, warts and all. You never truly know how you'll be presented and what context people will take away from an article once it is published.
I'm such a happy go-lucky person who tends to get bitter only by people who don't understand why being rude is such a put-off, not just to me but apparently to many more who share space with others every day. Some of the comments left on this site that were not published have been pretty mean and some just downright vile. So of course I sit back and start to think about this attention and if I really want it.
No, I don't.
I don't want to be an internet star or have some kind of GO passenger celebrity status.
I just like to write. I like to make people laugh. I love observational humor.
I am not a mean person but it hurts that people think I am mean because they only saw one side to what I do through the Sun article.
Again, I realize I am putting myself out there and have to expect this kind of feedback, but when people start to question my upbringing or bring my mom and dad into it by suggesting they failed in some way, because I created this site that they disagree with - its purpose - which they have misunderstood, well, frankly that hurts.
My mom and dad have nothing to do with my online persona.
I have stopped reading the comments on the Sun website. I can't stomach it. And I cringe every time my phone pings with a new comment on here so I've turned it off.
I'm just a girl with a blog standing in front of you just asking you to laugh.
That is all.
Just passed a 1010 Newstalk billboard with the headline "go rider takes frustrations to web". Is this a media blitz?
No, the Sun article prompted them to ask me for an interview which I gave early this morning before it got ugly.
I think shutting off the notifications is a good idea CJ.
I don't know you personally but I sense you are a good person with a wicked sense of humour.
I truly enjoy reading what you write, I can see that the attention you are getting is result of the talent from that love of writing, not someone trying to seek internet fame. That's what makes you so likeable. I think there is a lot more of us that feel that way then the others.
^ We should get married.
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