
Friday, May 3, 2013

For the love of all things holy!

Wait, are you ... did you ... just ...?

You're not really ... oh God ... no.

Oh God, that's just nasty. 



Anonymous said...

So gross.
Did she wash her hands afterwards???!!!

Bicky said...

*gag* I'm just about to go get my lunch. I guess anything with mayo is out. :oP

C.J. Smith said...


WarningU2 said...

Hmmmm. What part of anyones head would think that this was acceptable on public transit?

WarningU2 said...

Oh that is so wrong. Did she look like she enjoyed rubbing herself?

Anonymous said...

That is the grossest thing I've seen yet. Who are these people???!

Anonymous said...

That is as wrong as the scene I saw at Scarborough Town Centre Mall today... it's their birthday and I enjoy a good party like the next guy... but the mall management thought having GO-GO DANCERS in front of children, teens and teens was appropriate!

Then I see this woman lotioning her feet and I ain't sure what is more disgusting.

Anonymous said...

(Please edit previous post to read "children, tweens and teens" as Autocorrect changed tweens to teens. Thanks)

Lori said...

On the one hand, at least she's not trimming her toenails. On the other, Ewwwwww!

Anonymous said...

I've got one better. Last year, a young woman (notice I didn't say lady) in a short skirt proceeded to put lotion from ankle to crotch up both bare legs! The couple of us close to her were grossed out, but one guy seemed to be enjoying the show. I'm pretty sure she was the same one using an eyelash curler another day...the guys around her looked horrified!