And to think, getting this home cost hundreds less than a courier or a cab. Not sure what to think of this, other than it should be rolled off a cliff.
It doesn't belong on the accessibility coach.
That space is for wheelchairs. For people in wheelchairs (or a scooter). Can you imagine? Some poor soul doesn't get on a train because a fucking BBQ is on board? I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I mean, honestly, I'm laughing but c'mon ... in all seriousness - someone has to draw a line...
- Submitted
I dunno.... adding a new "Barbecue to Barrie" car could be a great new business model for GO Transit.
Let's not point the finger totally at the CSA. If it's off-peak hours, many people think anything goes. You know... I paid my fare and all the entitlement that goes with that statement.
Yeah weird the csa would allow that bad boy to roll on.
CSA's cannot enforce anything. They can tell the individual what the rules are and that is it. If it wasn't a busy train which it probably was dead, it's up to the CSA to let this person on. No propane is allowed on the train, and I'm sure this one didn't have a tank either.
Don't blame the CSA. They cannot delay the train and also cannot enforce rules, or tell a paying passenger "no" to coming on board.
It is the new food car! You have been asking for a bar car for quite some time now. I am fairly sure they can't serve alcohol without serving food.
True. True.
While I understand Anon @5:46pm's point about if it's an off peak train, it will not inconvenience anyone, (as the offending item can be moved should that space be needed by someone with a mobility device); what I don't agree with is that CSA's are powerless. If they can do nothing, then for gawd's sake record the stop's, get the engineer to announce delay's and save the very expensive salary and benefits!
Great, so when i move i'm just going to throw all my shit onto the GO train. The CSA better help me move too, i paid my train fare.
My sentiments exactly!!!
Have you seen the amount of luggage some people bring onto the trains? It wouldn't surprise me if they were moving.
I'm going to try and park my car on the accessible car this week.
CSA's are not cops. They can request you to stop doing something or inform you of the rules, but they can't force you to do anything, or physically remove you from the train. They are regular citizens, and will get disciplined/fired for doing the wrong thing.
The most a CSA could do is hold the train at a station until the person/thing is removed from the train. You (as a csa) have to be pretty darn sure of yourself to pull that one off, since you are delaying a train (possibly an entire line too) of paying passengers. If that bbq had a propane tank, it would be a valid reason to hold the train for the cops/constables. If it's just a bbq with no tank, then it's harmless. As a passenger, if you see that someone brings a propane tank, or gas tank, or chainsaw, or motorcycle on the train, feel free to hit the alarm strip.
That guy brought that bbq on the ttc too.
How about a sword? (See today's posts)
How about an umbrella that looks like a sword?
I was riding on that train!!
Just so everyone knows... the CSA and the train crew DID in fact check and ensured there was no dangerous material carried with the BBQ. The guy travelling with it only had the BBQ stove and no take, therefore it does not violate any policy go transit has. Its considered to be a "luggage" at this point.
By the way, if that BBQ was in the way of an accessible passenger boarding, the CSA would of gotten the owner of the BBQ to move it...
By the way, if that BBQ was in the way of an accessible passenger boarding, the CSA would of gotten the owner of the BBQ to move it...
Off a cliff?
No one will give me a damn answer.
^CSA is only paid 25/hr as of 2016 23/hr in 2013 with out shift premium that is not a very expensive salary. Liuna construction workers make more per hour and way better benifits 100 percent compared to 80 at bombardier
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